Browse TRAIL Inventories

Marketing feldspar

Index to location of stone quarries in the United States

Prevention of premature shots during springing of deep drill holes in quarries and open-pit workings

Crude oil and gasoline pipe lines in the United States May 1, 1941

Magnetic Separation of Ores

Annual Report of Research and Technologic Work on Coal: Fiscal Year 1941

Collecting and Examining Subsurface Samples of Petroleum

Analyses of Washington Coals: Supplement to Technical Paper 491

Mining Practices and Safety at the Lava Cap Gold Mining Corporation Mines, Nevada City-Grass Valley District, California

Coal-Mine Accidents in the United States, 1938

Metal-Mine Accidents in the United States During the Calendar Year 1938

Metal- and Nonmetal-Mine Accidents in the United States During the Calendar Year 1939 (Excluding Coal Mines)

Quarry Accidents in the United States During the Calendar Year 1939

Use of Brine in a Kansas Field for Secondary Recovery of Oil

Iceland spar and optical fluorite

Intercrystalline Cracking of Boiler Steel and Its Prevention

Contributions to the Data on Theoretical Metallurgy: [Part] 9. The Entropies of Inorganic Substances. Revision (1940) of Data and Methods of Calculation

Some Essential Safety Factors in Tunneling

Open-Cut Metal Mining

Annual Report of the Mining Division, Fiscal Year 1941

Petroleum and Natural-Gas Fields in Wyoming

Index of coals tested in the Bureau of Mines survey of carbonizing properties of American coals

An analysis of the use of electricity at coal mines.

Manganese investigations :metallurgical division.

Manganese investigations :metallurgical division.

Damage from air blast :progress report [No.] 1

Specific volumes and phase-boundary properties of separator-gas and liquid-hydrocarbon mixtures

Some photometric instruments used in x-ray diffraction and spectrographic methods of analysis

Exploration for war minerals (through fiscal year 1942)

Limits of inflammability and ignition temperatures of nicotine in air

Manganese investigations :metallurgical division.

Improved method of determining benzene in medium-temperature light oils

Manganese investigations :metallurgical division.

Manganese investigations :metallurgical division.

Determination by the dropping-Mercury-electrode procedure of lead, cadmium, and zinc in samples collected in industrial-hygiene studies

Progress reports :metallurgical division.

Limits of inflammability and ignition temperature of styrene in air

Biennial report of Petroleum and Natural-gas Division :fiscal years 1940 and 1941

Marketing natural mineral pigments

Directions for laboratory mineral sizing

Development of the sand and gravel industry

Marketing silica (quartz, tripoli, diatomite, etc.)

The legendary "White Metal" and its "ore"

List of permissible mine equipment approved to January 1, 1942

New process for controlling mercury vapor

Standard methods for measuring extent of atmospheric pollution

Coal-mine explosions and coal- and metal-mine fires in the United States during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1941

Marketing strategic mica

Marketing lithium minerals

Home insulation with mineral products :conservation of fuel for war

Published Year



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