Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
A Remote Indicating Hinge-Moment Balance, Special Report
Propeller-Design Problems of High-Speed Airplanes, Special Report
Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Plain and Slot-Lip Aileron on a Wing With a Full-Span Slotted Flap
Wind-Tunnel Investigation of an NACA 23012 Airfoil With 30 Percent-Chord Venetian-Blind Flaps
Two-Dimensional Potential Flow Past a Smooth Wall With Partly Constant Curvature
Tests of the NACA 0025 and 0035 Airfoils in the Full-Scale Wind Tunnel
The Compressive Yield Strength of Extruded Shapes of 24ST Aluminum Alloy
Supplement to Comparison of Automatic Control Systems
Spin Tests of Two Models of a Low-Wing Monoplane to Investigate Scale Effect in the Model Test Range
Effects of Some Present-Day Airplane Design Trends on Requirements for Lateral Stability
Static Characteristics of Curtiss Propellers Having Different Blade Sections
Experimental Investigations on Freely Exposed Ducted Radiators
Dynamic Similitude in Internal-Combustion Engines
A Flight Investigation of Internally Balanced Sealed Ailerons
Comparison of Automatic Control Systems
The Creep of Laminated Synthetic Resin Plastics
The Elliptic Wing Based on the Potential Theory
The Reaction Jet as a Means of Propulsion at High Speeds
Stress Analysis of Circular Frames
Use of Charts for Flow Discharge Calculations
Inertia of Dynamic Pressure Arrays
Square Plate With Clamped Edges Under Normal Pressure Producing Large Deflections
Stagnation Temperature Recording
Contribution to the Aerodynamics of Rotating-Wing Aircraft: Part 2
On the Calculation of Flow Past an Infinite Screen of Thin Airfoils
The Efficiency of Combustion Turbines With Constant-Pressure Combustion
Effect of Aging on Mechanical Properties of Aluminum-Alloy Rivets
Wind-Tunnel Investigation of an NACA 23021 Airfoil With Two Sizes of Balanced Split Flaps