Browse TRAIL Inventories

The temperature of unheated bodies in a high-speed gas stream

Flight measurements of the elevator deflections used in landings of several airplanes

Normal-pressure tests of circular plates with clamped edges

Preliminary data on buckling strength of curved sheet panels in compression

Preliminary drag tests in flight of low-drag wing on the Curtiss XP-60 airplane

Present and future problems of airplane propulsion

Lift and drag tests of three airfoil models with Fowler flaps submitted by Consolidated Aircraft Corporation

Wind-tunnel investigation of NACA 23012, 23021, and 23030 airfoils equipped with 40-percent-chord double slotted flaps

Critical Compressive Stress for Flat Rectangular Plates Supported Along All Edges and Elastically Restrained Against Rotation along the Unloaded Edges

Critical Compressive Stress for Outstanding Flanges

Design charts for cross-flow tubular intercoolers charge-across-tube type

Design charts for cross-flow tubular intercoolers charge-through-tube type

An analytical study of wing and tail loads associated with an elevator deflection

Air transport by gliders : some technical observations

Aerodynamic factors affecting the ability of a pilot to return an airplane to level from a banked attitude by use of the rudder alone and without change of heading

Effect of propeller operation on the pitching moments of single-engine monoplanes

Experiences with flow-direction instruments

Preignition characteristics of several fuels under simulated engine conditions

Damping characteristics of dashpots

An apparatus for measuring rates of discharge of a fuel-injection system

Combined beam-column stresses of aluminum-alloy channel sections

The additional-mass effect of plates as determined by experiments

Some comparative tests of plain and alclad 24S-T sheet

Comparison of stress-strain curves obtained by single-thickness and pack methods

Preliminary stability and control tests in the NACA free-flight wind tunnel and correlation with flight tests

Compression tests of some 17S-T aluminum-alloy specimens of I cross section

The effect of methods of testing on the ultimate loads supported by stiffened flat sheet panels under edge compression

Effect of alternately high and low repeated stresses upon the fatigue strength of 25S-T aluminum alloy

The end-plate effect of a horizontal-tail surface on vertical tail surface

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Several Factors Affecting the Performance of a High-Speed Pursuit Airplane With Air-Cooled Radial Engine

Model Tests of a Wing-Duct System for Auxiliary Air Supply

Some effects of rainfall on flight of airplanes and on instrument indications

Tests of a gust-alleviating wing in the gust tunnel

Spin Tests of a Low-Wing Monoplane to Investigate Scale Effect in the Model Test Range

Methods of analyzing wind-tunnel data for dynamic flight conditions

Tandem Air Propellers - 2

Analysis of Ground Effect on the Lifting Airscrew

Analytical Determination of Control System Pulley-Axis Angles

Cooling Effects of an Airplane Equipped With an NACA Cowling and a Wing-Duct Cooling System

A Method of Determining the Equilibrium Performance and the Stability of an Engine Equipped With an Exhaust Turbosupercharger

The theoretical lateral motions of an automatically controlled airplane subjected to a yawing moment disturbance

Hydrodynamic Tests of a 1/10-Size Model of the Hull of the Latécoère 521 Flying Boat: NACA Model 83

The Effects of Aerodynamic Heating on Ice Formations on Airplane Propellers

Effect of several supercharger control methods on engine performance

Velocity gained and altitude lost in recoveries from inclined flight paths

Wind-tunnel investigation of effect of yaw on lateral-stability characteristics 3: symmetrically tapered wing at various positions on circular fuselage with and without a vertical tail

Critical Compressive Stress for Flat Rectangular Plates Supported Along all Edges and Elastically Restrained Against Rotation Along the Unloaded Edges

Potential Flow Through Centrifugal Pumps and Turbines

Preliminary Report on Flight Tests of an Airplane Having Exhaust-Heated Wings

Tables for Computing Various Cases of Beam Columns

Published Year



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