Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Corrections on the Thermometer Reading in an Air Stream
The Shock-Absorbed System of the Airplane Landing Gear
Standards for Discharge Measurement With Standardized Nozzles and Orifices
Tests of Lead-Bronze Bearings in the DVL Bearing-Testing Machine
Testing of High-Octane Fuels in the Single-Cylinder Airplane Engine
Italian High-Speed Airplane Engines
Limits of Single-Stage Compression in Centrifugal Superchargers for Aircraft
Experimental Results With Airfoils Tested in the High-Speed Tunnel at Guidonia
General Relationships Between the Various Systems of Reference Axes Employed in Flight Mechanics
The Cause of Welding Cracks in Aircraft Steels
Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of the Drag of Installed Aircraft Radiators
The Strength of Shell and Tubular Spar Wings
Some Data on the Static Longitudinal Stability and Control of Airplanes: Design of Control Surfaces
Knocking in an Internal-Combustion Engine
Chordwise Load Distribution of a Simple Rectangular Wing
Rectangular Shell Plating Under Uniformly Distributed Hydrostatic Pressure
Materials for Slack Diaphragms
Wind Tunnel Tests of a Submerged-Engine Fuselage Design
Variation in Velocity Profile with Change in Surface Roughness of Boundary
Investigations on the Incompletely Developed Plane Diagonal-Tension Field
Measured Moments of Inertia of 32 Airplanes
Propeller Rotation Noise Due to Torque and Thrust
Measurement of the Forces Acting on Gliders in Towed Flight
A Full-Scale Investigation of the Effect of Several Factors on the Shimmy of Cantering Wheels
The Flow of a Compressible Fluid Past a Sphere
Ionization in the Knock Zone of an Internal-Combustion Engine
A Generalized Vortex Theory of the Screw Propeller and Its Application
The Development of Electrical Strain Gages
Factors Affecting Heat Transfer in the Internal-Combustion Engine
Structural Tests of a Stainless Steel Wing Panel by Hydrostatic Loading
Mathematical Analysis of Aircraft Intercooler Design
Extension of Pack Method for Compressive Tests
A Simple Approximation Method for Obtaining the Spanwise Lift Distribution
The Torsion of Box Beams With One Side Lacking
Measurement of Knock Characteristics in Spark-Ignition Engines
The Lead Susceptibility of Fuels and Its Dependence on the Chemical Composition
Pressure and Temperature Measurement in Supercharger Investigations
An Analysis of the Stability of an Airplane With Free Controls
Flow coefficients of monosleeve valves
Determination of ground effect from tests of a glider in towed flight
Determination of the Characteristics of Tapered Wings
A theoretical study of lateral stability with an automatic pilot