Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Progress reports - metallurgical division.
Determination of the swelling properties of coal during the coking process
Efficiency of impingers for collecting lead dusts and fumes
Survey of fuel consumption at refineries in 1936
Relation of dust concentration to depth of hole during wet drilling
Progress reports - metallurgical division.
Microprojection method for counting impinger dust samples
Investigations during 1936 of combustibles in manholes in Boston, Mass.
Concentration of southern barite ores
Petrographic identification at atmospheric dust particles
A Study of a Solvent Analytical Separation of Waxes from Petroleum and its Lubricating Fractions
Coal-Mine Accidents in the United States, 1935
Metal-Mine Accidents in the United States During the Calendar Year 1935
Quarry Accidents in the United States During the Calendar Year 1936
The Pegmatites at Tinton, South Dakota
Survey of Crude Oil in Storage, 1936-1937
Relation of dust dissemination to water flow through rock drills
Primary crushing :progress report no. 3
Composition of Coal Tar and Light Oil
Advanced mine rescue training course of the Bureau of Mines
Fatal and nonfatal electrical accidents in coal mines
Necessity for more extended use of safety equipment in mining
Copper Mining in North America
Studies of Certain Properties of Oil Shale and Shale Oil
Procedure in Sealing and Unsealing Mine Fires and in Recovery Operations Following Mine Explosions
Time study analyses :progress report 1 : quarry shovel loading
A washability study of the Black Creek Coal bed at Yolande No. 6, Rockcastle, Ala.
Dust produced by drilling when water is sprayed on the outside of the drill steel
Survey of fuel consumption at refineries in 1938
Progress reports - metallurgical division.
Chemical considerations relating to fires in anthracite refuse
Ocular photocell for the rapid determination of projected area of opaque particles
Cooperative fuel research motor-gasoline survey :Winter 1938-39
Annual report of the Explosives Division, fiscal year, 1938
Studies of roof movement in coal mines.
Classification and tabling of table middlings at the Colta Coal Washery, Flat Creek, Ala.
Accidents in the petroleum industry of Oklahoma in 1937, summarized and compared with 1923
Effect of acid treatment upon the ultimate recovery of oil from some limestone fields of Kansas
Measurement of pressures on rock pillars in underground mines.
Analyses of crude oils from some fields of Oklahoma