Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
An approach to ALGOL translation
Monoclinic-cubic transformation in thorium dicarbide
Kinetics of the thermal decomposition of biphenyl
A miniaturized fission chamber and preamplifier assembly (Q-2617) for high-flux reactors
Performance characteristics of modular nanosecond circuitry employing tunnel diodes
Kinematics nomogram for low-energy nuclear reactions
A computer program for calculating osmotic and activity coefficients from isopiestic data
Off-gases from the reactions of uranium carbides with nitric acid at 90⁰C
Paramagnetic centers in germanium dioxide glass produced by electron and gamma-ray irradiation
Community organization and energy relationships in plankton
Dissolution of high-density UO₂, PuO₂, and UO₂-PuO₂ pellets in inorganic acids
Iodine vapor adsorption studies for the NS "Savannah" project
Nucleon-meson cascade calculations :transverse shielding for a 45-GeV electron accelerator.
Dynamics of cylindrical electromagnetic universes
Crystallographic data for some metal fluorides, chlorides, and oxides
Description of printed output from intranuclear cascade calculation