Browse TRAIL Inventories

Auto-ignition and combustion of diesel fuel in a constant-volume bomb

An analysis of the factors that determine the periodic twist of an autogiro rotor blade, with a comparison of predicted and measured results

Experimental investigation of wind-tunnel interference on the downwash behind an airfoil

Wind-tunnel tests of 10-foot-diameter autogiro rotors

Wind-tunnel and flight tests of slot-lip ailerons

Air propellers in yaw

Aircraft accidents.method of analysis

Blower cooling of finned cylinders

Effect of tip shape and dihedral on lateral-stability characteristics

The effect of turbulence on the drag of flat plates

Alternating-current equipment for the measurement of fluctuations of air speed in turbulent flow

Tests of related forward-camber airfoils in the variable-density wind tunnel

A preliminary study of flame propagation in a spark-ignition engine

The lateral instability of deep rectangular beams

The behavior of thin-will monocoque cylinders under torsional vibration

Hydrodynamic tests in the N.A.C.A. tank of a model of the hull of the Short Calcutta flying boat

Plastics as structural materials for aircraft

Considerations affecting the additional weight required in mass balance of ailerons

Maximum forces applied by pilots to wheel-type controls

The sonic altimeter for aircraft

The Effect of Curvature on the Transition From Laminar to Turbulent Boundary Layer

The Design of Airplane-Engine Superchargers

Full-scale wind-tunnel and flight test of a Fairchild 22 airplane equipped with a Zap flap and Zap ailerons

Notes on the calculation of the minimum horizontal tail surface for airplanes equipped with wing flaps

Performance Characteristics of Venturi Tubes Used in Aircraft for Operating Air-Driven Gyroscopic Instruments

Effect of Air-Entry Angle on Performance of a 2-Stroke-Cycle Compression-Ignition Engine

Bending Tests of Circular Cylinders of Corrugated Aluminum-Alloy Sheet

Full-Scale Wind-Tunnel and Flight Tests of a Fairchild 22 Airplane Equipped With External-Airfoil Flaps

Fuselage-drag tests in the variable-density wind tunnel: streamline bodies of revolution, fineness ratio of 5

Free spinning wind-tunnel tests of a low-wing monoplane with systematic wings and tails 2: Mass distributed along the fuselage

Free-spinning wind-tunnel tests of a low-wing monoplane with systemic changes in wings and tails 1: Basic loading condition

Full scale span load distribution on a tapered wing with split flaps of various spans

Discharge characteristics of a double injection-valve single-pump injection system

Tank tests of two models of flying-boat hulls to determine the effect of ventilating the step

Theoretical span loading and moments of tapered wings produced by aileron deflection

Compression-ignition engine performance at altitudes and at various air pressures and temperatures

Charts expressing the time, velocity, and altitude relations for an airplane diving in a standard atmosphere

The measurement of air speed in airplanes

Wind-tunnel tests of a Clark Y wing with "Maxwell" leading-edge slots

Energy Loss, Velocity Distribution, and Temperature Distribution for a Baffled Cylinder Model

Empirical corrections to the span load distribution at the tip

Heat transfer from cylinders having closely spaced fins

Spinning characteristics of wings 4: changes in stagger of rectangular Clark Y cellules

Spinning Characteristics of Wings 3: A Rectangular and Tapered Clark Y Monoplane Wing with Rounded Tips

Pressure drop across finned cylinders enclosed in a jacket

Flight tests of an airplane showing dependence of the maximum lift coefficient on the test conditions

Notes on Factors Affecting Geometrical Arrangement of Tricycle-Type Landing Gears

Tandem Air Propellers

Synthetic Resins in Aircraft Construction - Their Composition, Properties, Present State of Development and Application to Light Structures

The Transition Phase in the Take-Off of an Airplane, Special Report

Published Year



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