Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Flight investigation of lateral control devices for use with full-span flaps
Altitude-pressure tables based on the United States standard atmosphere
Mixture distribution in a single-row radial engine
The reduction of aileron operating force by differential linkage
Relative Efficiencies and Design Charts for Various Engine-Propeller Combinations, Special Report
A Theory for Primary Failure of Straight Centrally Loaded Columns
Pressure Distribution Over an Airfoil Section With a Flap and Tab
Ground-Handling Forces on a 1/40-Scale Model of the U. S. Airship "Akron"
The Forces and Moments Acting on Parts of the XN2Y-1 Airplane During Spins
Strength of Welded Aircraft Joints
An Analysis of Lateral Stability in Power-Off Flight With Charts for Use in Design
Correction of Downwash in Wind Tunnels of Circular and Elliptic Sections
The Short "Scion Senior" Commercial Airplane (British): A Four-Engine High-Wing Cantilever Monoplane
The Short "Empire" Commercial Flying Boat (British): An All-Metal Cantilever Monoplane
The Avro "Anson" General-Purpose Airplane (British): A Two-Engine Low-Wing Cantilever Monoplane
The Vickers-Supermarine "Scapa" (British): A Military Flying Boat
Flow Phenomena on Plates and Airfoils of Short Span
Investigations on the Amount of Downwash Behind Rectangular and Elliptical Wings
The Horsepower of Aircraft Engines and Their Maximum Frontal Area
The Formation of Ice on Airplanes
Charts for Checking the Stability of Compression Members in Trusses
Chief Characteristics and Advantages of Tailless Airplanes
An Approximate Spin Design Criterion for Monoplanes
The Forces and Moments on Airplane Engine Mounts
Mechanical Properties of Aluminum-Alloy Rivets
Effect of Several Factors on the Cooling of a Radial Engine in Flight
Similitude in Hydrodynamic Tests Involving Planing
Torsion and Buckling of Open Sections
Ignition and Flame Development in the Case of Diesel Fuel Injection
Ignition Process in Diesel Engines
The Impact on Floats or Hulls During Landing as Affected by Bottom Width
Influence of Fuel-Oil Temperature on the Combustion in a Prechamber Compression-Ignition Engine
Further Measurements of Normal Accelerations on Racing Airplanes
The quiescent-chamber type compression-ignition engine
Turbulence factors of NACA wind tunnels as determined by sphere tests
Calculated and measured pressure distributions over the midspan section of the NACA 4412 airfoil
The effect of lateral controls in producing motion of an airplane as computed from wind-tunnel data