Browse TRAIL Inventories

Concentration of the potash ores of Carlsbad, New Mexico, by ore dressing methods

Effect of soot on heat transmission in small boilers

Coke-oven accidents in the United States during the calendar year 1933

Mining and milling methods at the Big Jim Mine, Oatman, Ariz.

Some suggestions as to safety rules to be printed or mimeographed for the guidance of bituminous-coal mine employees

Progress report--Metallurgical Division.



Safety posters at the Calumet & Hecla mines

Sodium sulfate

Mining and milling tungsten ores

Placer mining in the western United States :part III. Dredging and other forms of mechanical handling of gravel, and drift mining

Questions and answers on first-aid training

Sand and gravel excavation.

Review of literature on effects of breathing dusts with special reference to silicosis.

Microscopic and petrographic studies of certain American coals,

Flame-arresting limitations of flat joints and plain bearings in explosion-proof mine equipment

A study of mine roof of the coking district of Western Pennsylvania

Reduction of evaporation losses from gasoline bulk-storage stations

Carbonizing properties and constitution of Alma bed coal from Spruce River no. 4 mine, Boone County, W. Va.

Mining methods and costs at the mine of the St. Joseph Lead Co., Atlanta, Idaho


Coal-mine explosions and fires in the United States during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1934

List of permissible mine equipment

Asbestos - general information

Mining operations at the property of the Britannia Mining and Smelting Co., Ltd., Britannia Beach, British Columbia

Bituminous coal-mine safety-inspection outline

A few of the opportunities for obtaining accident-prevention information available to mine management and employees through the United States Bureau of Mines

Essentials in developing and financing a prospect into a mine

Review of literature on effects of breathing dusts with special reference to silicosis.

Procedure for testing explosives for acceptability for use in forest service work

Placer-mining methods of E.T. Fisher Co., Atlantic City, Wyo.

Review of literature on effects of breathing dusts with special reference to silicosis.

List of standard starters available to prospective builders of permissible outfits

Petroleum refineries, including cracking plants, in the United States, January 1, 1935

Mining methods and costs at the Eureka Standard mine

Induction prospecting for shallow ore deposits and small metallic objects

Accident costs and safety dividends

Tabular index of Bureau of Mines Information Circulars on mining and milling methods

Mine safety decision 27

Accident experience and direct costs in some Colorado coal mines, 1929-33

Accident experience and cost in California metal mines

Some observations as to safety hazards in 47 northern Colorado subbituminous coal mines

Falls of coal and rock on man-trips in bituminous-coal mines

Accidents in Tennessee coal mines

Electric cap lamps in Alabama mines, 1935

Methods of development and pillar extraction in mining the Pittsburgh coal bed in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio

A note on the use of ultraviolet lamps in mines for rapid detection of scheelite in ores by fluorescence

Blasting practices and explosives accidents in Utah coal mines

Review of literature on effects of breathing dusts with special reference to silicosis.

Published Year



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