Browse TRAIL Inventories

Full-scale force and pressure-distribution tests on a tapered U.S.A. 45 airfoil

Bending Stresses Due to Torsion in Cantilever Box Beams

Strength tests of thin-walled duralumin cylinders of elliptic section

Spinning Characteristics of Wings 2: Rectangular Clark Y Biplane Cellule: 25 Percent Stagger; 0 Degree Decalage; Gap/Chord 1.0

Wind-tunnel tests of a cyclogiro rotor

Method of Testing Oxygen Regulators

Tank tests of model 11-G flying-boat hull

A general tank test of NACA model 11-C flying-boat hull, including the effect of changing the plan form of the step

The Effect of Depth of Step on the Water Performance of a Flying-Boat Hull Model N.A.C.A. Model 11-C

The thermodynamics of combustion in the Otto cycle engine

A preliminary determination of normal accelerations on racing airplanes

The Compressibility Burble

Comparative Tests of Pitot-Static Tubes

The Effect of the Angle of Afterbody Keel on the Water Performance of a Flying-Boat Hull Model

The Initial Torsional Stiffness of Shells With Interior Webs

Tank tests of a model of a flying-boat hull having a longitudinally concave planing bottom

A deflection formula for single-span beams of constant section subjected to combined axial and transverse loads

Flight tests of a balanced split flap with particular reference to rapid operation

Drag of Prestone and Oil Radiators on the YO-31A Airplane

Development of the N.A.C.A. Slot-Lip Aileron

The 1934 Contest for the Deutsch De La Meurthe Trophy

Some Effects of Argon and Helium Upon Explosions of Carbon Monoxide and Oxygen

Annual Report of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (20th). Administrative Report Including Technical Report Nos. 475 to 507

The Effect of Lateral Inclination of the Thrust Axis and of Sweepback of the Leading Edge of the Wing on Propulsive and Net Efficiencies of a Wing-Nacelle-Propeller Combination

The Aerodynamic Aspect of Wing-Fuselage Fillets

Notes on New French Commercial Airplanes

Modification of Wing-Section Shape to Assure a Predetermined Change in Pressure Distribution

Large-Scale Boundary-Layer Control Tests on Two Wings in the NACA 20-Foot Wind Tunnel, Special Report

Ice Prevention on Aircraft by Means of Impregnated Leather Covers, Special Report

Tank Tests of the Effect of Rivet Heads, etc., on the Water Performance of a Seaplane Float, Special Report

The Latecoere 521 "Lieutenant De Vaisseau Paris" commercial flying boat (French) : a two-deck six-engine semicantilever sesquiplane

Torsion and buckling of open sections

High-speed wind tunnels

Contribution to the problem of airfoils spanning a free jet

General instability criterion of laminar velocity distributions

The stress criterion of a tension member with graded flexural stiffness: contribution to the problem of "clamping effect" outside of the elastic range

Flight measurements of the dynamic longitudinal stability of several airplanes and a correlation of the measurements with pilots' observations of handling characteristics

Interference of wing and fuselage from tests of 209 combinations in the NACA variable-density tunnel

The measurement of the field of view from airplane cockpits

Impact of a vee-type seaplane on water with reference to elasticity

Bending of beams of thin sections

Behavior of turbulent boundary layers on curved convex walls

Cooling tests of a single-row radial engine with several NACA cowlings

Cooling of airplane engines at low air speeds

Wind-tunnel tests of a 10-foot-diameter gyroplane rotor

Electrical thermometers for aircraft

Full-scale tests of NACA cowlings

Air flow in the boundary layer near a plate

Characteristics of the NACA 23012 airfoil from tests in the full-scale and variable-density tunnels

Characteristics of six propellers including the high-speed range

Published Year



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