Browse TRAIL Inventories

An apparatus and method for the determination of helium in natural gas

Sand and gravel excavation.

Mining methods and costs at Herron and Laster Lease, Superior, Ariz.

Mining and milling practices at small gold mines

Mining methods and costs at El Potosi Mine, El Potosi Mining Co., Chihuahua, Mexico

Mining methods and costs at the Cresson Mine, Cripple Creek, Colo.

Petroleum refineries, including cracking plants, in the United States, January 1, 1934

Mining laws of British Honduras

How can the Bureau of Mines best serve mining? (the Bureau and the South)

Operating coal mines without accidents

Use of airplanes in mining and petroleum operations (abstract)

Explosions in Virginia coal mines 1893 to 1933

Wyoming coal-mine explosions, 1881-1931

Explosions in Illinois coal mines 1883 to 1932

Accident experience and cost in Virginia coal mines 1929 to 1933, inclusive

Manganese :its occurrence, milling, and metallurgy.

Leasing system as applied to metal mining

Mining laws of British Guiana

The iron blast furnace


Calcium chloride

Silver yield from copper ores and the effects of 64.64-cent silver on the value of copper ores produced in the United States

Explosions in New Mexico coal mines

Explosions in Indiana coal mines :1878 to 1933

Lead and zinc mining and milling in the United States :current practices and costs

Tabulated Analyses of Texas Crude Oils

Coal-Mine Explosions in West Virginia: 1883-1933

Manganese: Its Occurrence, Milling, and Metallurgy; Part 1

Mechanical Equipment Used in the Drilling and Production of Oils and Gas Wells in the Oklahoma City Field

Coal-Mine Accidents in the United States, 1932

Metal-Mine Accidents in the United States During the Calendar Year 1932

Quarry Accidents in the United States During the Calendar Year 1932

Sampling and Estimation of Ore Deposits

Engineering Studies and Results of Acid Treatment of Wells, Zwolle Oil Field, Sabine Parish, Louisiana

The Occurrence of Gases in Coals

Analyses of Crude Oils From Some Fields of Southern Louisiana

Accounting System and Office-Management Procedure for Medium-Size Metal Mines

Applied Methods and Equipment for Reducing Evaporation Losses of Petroleum and Gasoline

Permissible Coal-Cutting Equipment Approved Prior to July 1, 1932

Contributions to the Data on Theoretical Metallurgy: [Part] 2. High-Temperature Specific-Heat Equations for Inorganic Substances

Underfeed Combustion, Effect of Preheat, and Distribution of Ash in Fuel Beds

Review of fine grinding in ore concentrators

Mine explosions and fires in the United States during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1933

Manganese :its occurrence, milling, and metallurgy : part II

Manganese :its occurrence, milling, and metallurgy : part III

The explosion and fire hazards of hydrocarbon-carbon tetrachloride mixtures

Factors that decrease the light of electric cap lamps

Beneficiating cement raw materials by agglomeration and tabling

Special multiple-shot blasting units

Survey of fuel consumption at refineries in 1933

Published Year



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