Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
The Soap-Bubble Method of Studying the Combustion of Mixtures of Carbon Monoxide and Oxygen
Kay 331 Gyroplane (British): All-Metal Single-Seat Light Rotor Plane
Distribution and Regularity of Injection From a Multicylinder Fuel-Injection Pump
Combustion in a Bomb With a Fuel-Injection System
A Flight Investigation of the Spinning of the F4B-2 Biplane with Various Loads and Tail Surfaces
A Turbulence Indicator Utilizing the Diffusion of Heat
The Heat Transfer of Cooling Fins on Moving Air
Tests of Spheres With Reference to Reynolds Number, Turbulence, and Surface Roughness
The Denis-Gruson Six-Component Wind-Tunnel Balance
Glider Development in Germany: A Technical Survey of Progress in Design in Germany Since 1922
Gliding in Convection Currents
Hydrodynamic Tests of Models of Seaplane Floats
The Aeronautical Laboratory of the Stockholm Technical Institute
Total-Head Meter With Small Sensitivity to Yaw
A Discussion of the Several Types of Two-Stroke-Cycle Engines
Ground Effect on the Take-Off and Landing of Airplanes
Experiments with Suction-Type Wings
Tests of a Wing-Nacelle-Propeller Combination at Several Pitch Settings Up to 42 Degrees
Investigation of Full-Scale Split Trailing-Edge Wing Flaps With Various Chords and Hinge Locations
Noise From Two-Blade Propellers
The Effect of Water Vapor on Flame Velocity in Equivalent Carbon Monoxide and Oxygen Mixtures
Further Studies of Flame Movement and Pressure Development in an Engine Cylinder
Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Aerodynamic Balancing of Upper-Surface Ailerons and Split Flaps
Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Ordinary and Split Flaps on Airfoils of Different Profile
The Interdependence of Profile Drag and Lift With Joukowski Type and Related Airfoils
Wind-tunnel tests of a wing with a trailing-edge auxiliary airfoil used as a flap
Calculations of the Effect of Wing Twist on the Air Forces Acting on a Monoplane Wing
Principal Effects of Axial Load on Moment-Distribution Analysis of Rigid Structures
Reduction of hinge moments of airplane control surfaces by tabs
Effects of air-fuel spray and flame formation in a compression-ignition engine
Tank tests of NACA model 40 series of hulls for small flying boats and amphibians
Hydrogen as an auxiliary fuel in compression-ignition engines
Potential flow about arbitrary biplane wing sections
Preliminary tests in the NACA free-spinning wind tunnel
The 6-Foot-4-Inch Wind Tunnel at the Washington Navy Yard
The Aerodynamic Drag of Flying-Boat Hull Model as Measured in the NACA 20-Foot Wind Tunnel - 1
Aerodynamic Characteristics of Several Airfoils of Low Aspect Ratio
Propeller vibrations and the effect of the centrifugal force
Vortex Noise From Rotating Cylindrical Rods
Performance tests of a single-cylinder compression-ignition engine with a displacer piston
Strength Tests of Thin-Walled Duralumin Cylinders in Combined Transverse Shear and Bending
Tank tests of a model of a flying-boat hull with a fluted bottom