Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Methane analyzer system to record continuously the methane content of coal mine ventilation air
Effects of hydraulic stimulation on coalbeds and associated strata
Hydraulic stimulation of a surface borehole for gob degasification
Humidity :a cyclic effect in coal mine roof stability
Methane accumulations in coal mine roof cavities
Effects of time between exposure and support on mine roof stability, Bear Coal Mine, Somerset, Colo.
Experimental studies on the origin and accumulation of coalbed gas
Grouting horizontal drainage holes in coalbeds
A fail-safe control system for a mine methane pipeline
Three coal mine gob degasification studies using surface boreholes and a bleeder system
Practical ignition problems related to intrinsic safety in mine equipment :four short-term studies
Reinforcement mechanisms of untensioned full-column resin bolt
Control of methane by ventilation of shafts during raise drilling
Methane drainage study using an underground pipeline, Marianna mine 58
Drilling a horizontal coalbed methane drainage system from a directional surface borehole
Laboratory testing of chemical oxygen self-rescuers for ruggedness and reliability
Preliminary evaluation of bit impact ignitions of methane using a drum-type cutting head
Control of longwall gob gas with cross-measure boreholes (upper Kittanning coalbed)
Novel coal-cutting bits and their wear resistances
Kettlebottoms :their relation to mine roof and support
Mechanical properties of some portland cement concretes made with coal and coal waste as aggregates
Geologic factors in coal mine roof stability :a progress report
Evaluation of the safety of one-hour compressed oxygen self-rescuers--results of destructive testing
Performance comparison of oxygen self-rescuers
Delayed blasting tests to improve highwall stability :a progress report
Effect of turbulence on vortex-shedding air-velocity transducers
Fire tests of five-gallon containers used for storage in underground coal mines
An overview of research on explosionproof enclosures
Remedial and strata replacement techniques on longwall faces :a report on the state of the art
Coal mine air tempering :effectiveness, design, and roof support
Electrostatic sensitivity, strength, and no-fire current of short-delay detonators
Anchorage capacities in thick coal roofs
Safety aspects of pneumatic transport
Coal mine roof instability :categories and causes
Bureau of Mines research into reducing materials handling injuries
Effects of millisecond-delay intervals on vibration and airblast from surface coal mine blasting
Delayed blasting tests to improve highwall stability :a final report
Firing delay characteristics of instantaneous and seismic detonators
Gas equilibrium in sealed coal mines
Short-delay blasting in underground coal mines
Evaluating ventilation parameters of three coal mine gobs
Protective structures for low-coal shuttle car operator
Coal mine hazard detection using in-seam ground-penetrating-radar transillumination
Clay veins :their occurrence, characteristics, and support
Probe-hole drilling :high-stress detection in coal
Evaluation of high-pressure front-mounted water jets for frictional-ignition suppression
Laboratory testing of the CSE SR-100 self-contained self-rescuer for ruggedness and reliability