Browse TRAIL Inventories

Engine performance with a hydrogenated safety fuel

Simplified aerodynamic analysis of the cyclogiro rotating wing system

Charts for determining the pitching moment of tapered wings with sweepback and twist

The 1933 Contest for the Deutsch De La Meurthe Trophy

A Complete Tank Test of a Model of a Flying-Boat Hull - N.A.C.A. Model No.11

Aerodynamic tests of a low aspect ratio tapered wing with an auxiliary airfoil for use on tailless airplanes

Working Charts for the Determination of Propeller Thrust at Various Air Speeds

Annual Report of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (18th). Administrative Report Including Technical Report Nos. 401 to 440

Development of the Rules Governing the Strength of Airplanes Part 3: Loading Conditions in France, Italy, Holland, and Russia - Aims at Standardization

Guide Vanes for Deflecting Fluid Currents With Small Loss of Energy

Behavior of Vortex Systems

Flight Tests on the Lateral Control of an Airplane having a Split Flap which Retracts Ahead of Conventional Ailerons, Special Report

Recent Results of Turbulence Research

Attaining a Steady Air Stream in Wind Tunnels

The high-speed tank of the Hamburg Shipbuilding Company

The Bernard 82 military airplane (French) : a long-range monoplane

Aerodynamic principles of the direct lifting propeller

The Aachen wind-tunnel balance

Experiments with planing surfaces

Analysis of spinning in a monoplane wing by the induction method as compared with the strip method

The behavior under shearing stress of duralumin strip with round, flanged holes

Air conditions close to the ground and the effect on airplane landings

A flight investigation of the lateral control characteristics of short wide ailerons and various spoilers with different amounts of wing dihedral

The calculation of take-off run

Experimental investigation of the Robinson-type cup anemometer

Heat transfer from finned metal cylinders in an air stream

The aerodynamic effects of wing cut-outs

Air flow in a separating laminar boundary layer

The estimation of maximum load capacity of seaplanes and flying boats

Static thrust of airplane propellers

Relative loading on biplane wings

Tests of 16 related airfoils at high speed

Tests of nacelle-propeller combinations in various positions with reference to wings 4: thick wing - various radial-engine cowlings - tandem propellers

General Theory of Aerodynamic Instability and the Mechanism of Flutter

Resume of Present Data on Load Distribution on Slots and Flaps, Special Report

Preliminary Wind-Tunnel and Flight Tests of a Balanced Split Flap, Special Report

Wing-Nacelle-Propeller Tests - Comparative Tests of Liquid-Cooled and Air-Cooled Engine Nacelles

The Effect of Spray Strips on the Take-Off Performance of a Model of a Flying-Boat Hull

Potential Flow About Elongated Bodies of Revolution

Wind-Tunnel Research Comparing Lateral Control Devices, Particularly at High Angles of Attack 12: Upper-Surface Ailerons on Wings With Split Flaps

Scale Effect on Clark Y Airfoil Characteristics From NACA Full-Scale Wind-Tunnel Tests

Some Factors Affecting Combustion in an Internal-Combustion Engine

A Flight Investigation of the Effect of Mass Distribution and Control Setting on the Spinning of the XN2Y-1 Airplane

Tests of Nacelle-Propeller Combinations in Various Positions with Reference to Wings 5: Clark Y Biplane Cellule - NACA Cowled Nacelle - Tractor Propeller

An Analysis of Longitudinal Stability in Power-Off Flight With Charts for Use in Design

Analysis of 2-Spar Cantilever Wings With Special Reference to Torsion and Load Transference

The Short "Scylla" Commercial Airplane (British): An All-Metal Biplane

The British Klemm "Eagle" Commercial Airplane: A Low-Wing Cantilever Monoplane

The De Havilland "Comet" Long-Range Airplane (British): A Low-Wing Cantilever Monoplane

Avro 642 Commercial Airplane (British): A High-Wing Cantilever Monoplane

Published Year



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