Browse TRAIL Inventories

Wind-tunnel research comparing lateral control devices, particularly at high angles of attack V : spoilers and ailerons on rectangular wings

Heinkel He 64 C sport airplane (German) : a two-seat low-wing cantilever monoplane

The aerodynamic forces and moments exerted on a spinning model of the NY-1 airplane as measured by the spinning balance

Aircraft speed instruments

The effect of multiple fixed slots and a trailing-edge flap on the lift and drag of a Clark Y airfoil

A complete tank test of a model of a flying-boat hull - N.A.C.A. Model No. 11

Present Status of Lateral-Control Devices for Use With Split Flaps, Special Report

Development of Air-Cooled Engines With Blower Cooling

The Flight of an Autogiro at High Speed

Strength Tests of Thin-Walled Duralumin Cylinders in Compression

Wind-Tunnel Tests on Combinations of a Wing With Fixed Auxiliary Airfoils Having Various Chords and Profiles

Wing-Fuselage Interference, Tail Buffeting, and Air Flow About the Tail of a Low-Wing Monoplane

Aircraft Power-Plant Instruments

The Westland "Wallace" General-Purpose Airplane (British): An All-Metal Biplane

The Shackleton-Murray SM-1 Light Airplane: A Two-Place High-Wing Monoplane

The D.H. 85 "Leopard Moth" Airplane (British): A Three-Seat Cabin High-Wing Monoplane

The d.h."Dragon Moth" Commercial Airplane (British): A Twin-Engine 6-Passenger Biplane

The Dewoitine D.332 Commercial Airplane (French): A Three-Engine All-Metal Low-Wing Monoplane

The Dewoitine D.500 Pursuit Airplane (French): An All-Metal Cantilever Low-Wing Monoplane

The Comper "Mouse" Commercial Airplane (British): A Three-Seat Cabin Low-Wing Monoplane

Experiments With Needle Bearings

Flight-Test Data on the Static Fore-and-Aft Stability of Various German Airplanes

The D.V.L. Gliding-Angle Control (W. Hübner Design)

Increasing the Volumetric Efficiency of Diesel Engines by Intake Pipes

The Effect of a Gap Between Elevator and Stabilizer on the Static Stability and Maneuverability About the Lateral Axis in Flight

Determination of Inherent Stresses by Measuring Deformations of Drilled Holes

The Critical Shear Load of Rectangular Plates

Development of the Rules Governing the Strength of Airplanes Part 1: German Loading Conditions Up to 1926

Development of the Rules Governing the Strength of Airplanes Part 2: Loading Conditions in Germany (Continued), England and the United States

Practical Experiences With Lightning Discharges to Airplanes

Trend of Airplane Flight Characteristics

The Theory of the Strandgren Cyclogyro

Take-Off and Propeller Thrust

Pressure Rise, Gas Vibrations and Combustion Noises During the Explosion of Fuels

The Schneider Trophy Contest

Knowledge Gained From Practical Experience in the Designing of Aircraft Engines

Dynamic Breaking Tests of Airplane Parts

Dimensions of Twin Seaplane Floats

The N.A.C.A. Tank: A High-Speed Towing Basin for Testing Models of Seaplane Floats

The N.A.C.A. High-Speed Wind Tunnel and Tests of Six Propeller Sections

Interference on an Airfoil of Finite Span in an Open Wind Tunnel

The Process of Separation in the Turbulent Friction Layer

Effect of Viscosity on Fuel Leakage Between Lapped Plungers and Sleeves and on the Discharge From a Pump-Injection System

Experimental Verification of the Theory of Wind-Tunnel Boundary Interference

Tests for the Elimination of Tail Flutter

A Simple Method for Increasing the Lift of Airplane Wings by Means of Flaps

Pressure and Frictional Resistance of a Cylinder at Reynolds Numbers 5,000 to 40,000

The Problem of the Propeller in Yaw With Special Reference to Airplane Stability

Results of Extended Tests of the Focke-Wulf F 19a "Ente," a Tail-First Airplane

The importance of auto-ignition lag in knocking

Published Year



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