Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
The Behavior of Conventional Airplanes in Situations Thought to Lead to Most Crashes
Interference effects and drag of struts on a monoplane wing
The effect of small variations in profile of airfoils
The pressure distribution over a square wing tip on a biplane in flight
Tests of N.A.C.A. airfoils in the variable-density wind tunnel Series 45 and 65
An Investigation of Cotton for Parachute Cloth
Penetration and Duration of Fuel Sprays From a Pump Injection System
The prevention of ice formation on gasoline tank vents
Effect of Nose Shape on the Characteristics of Symmetrical Airfoils
Tests of Six Symmetrical Airfoils in the Variable Density Wind Tunnel
The Effect of Injection-Valve Opening Pressure on Spray-Tip Penetration
Endurance and Other Properties at Low Temperatures of Some Alloys for Aircraft Use
Basic Requirements of Fuel-Injection Nozzles for Quiescent Combustion Chambers
The effect of slots and flaps on the lift and drag of the McDonnell Airplanes determined in flight
Tests of N.A.C.A. airfoils in the variable density wind tunnel Series 44 and 64
The interference effects on an airfoil of a flat plate at mid-span position
Some characteristics of fuel sprays at low-injection pressures
Advantages of Oxide Films as Bases for Aluminum Pigmented Surface Coatings for Aluminum Alloys
Tests of N.A.C.A. airfoils in the variable-density wind tunnel Series 43 and 63
A method for reducing the temperature of exhaust manifolds
The pressure distribution over a modified elliptical wing tip on a biplane in flight
Comparison of Weights of 17ST and Steel Tubular Structural Members Used in Aircraft Construction
The pressure distribution over a semicircular wing tip on an airplane in flight
Preliminary study of applied load factors in bumpy air
Investigation of the Discharge Rate of a Fuel-Injection System
Moments of inertia of several airplanes
Effect of Orifice Length-Diameter Ratio on the Coefficient of Discharge of Fuel-Injection Nozzles
Development of an Impinging-Jet Fuel-Injection Valve Nozzle
Effect of High Air Velocities on the Distribution and Penetration of a Fuel Spray
An integrating manometer for use in wind tunnel pressure distribution measurements
A Suggested Method for Measuring Turbulence
Strength Tests on Paper Cylinder in Compression, Bending and Shear
Drop and Flight Tests on NY-2 Landing Gears Including Measurements of Vertical Velocities at Landing
The 7 by 10 Foot Wind Tunnel of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
The Design and Development of an Automatic Injection Valve With an Annular Orifice of Varying Area
Mechanical Similitude and Turbulence
Definition of Method of Measurement of Supporting and Control Surface Areas
Method of Determining the Weights of the Most Important Simple Girders