Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
The development, design and construction of gliders and sailplanes
Estimated Effect of Ring Cowl on the Climb and Ceiling of an Airplane
The effect of small angles of yaw and pitch on the characteristics of airplane propellers
Reduction of turbulence in wind tunnels
Aircraft accidents : method of analysis
Effect of turbulence in wind-tunnel measurements
The Supermarine S.6.B. Racing Seaplane (British) : A Low-Wing Twin-Float Monoplane
A proof of the theorem regarding the distribution of lift over the span for minimum induced drag
The Use of Slots for Increasing the Lift of Airplane Wings
Combustion in a High-Speed Compression-Ignition Engine
The Elimination of Fire Hazard Due to Back Fires
Strength of Rectangular Flat Plates Under Edge Compression
The Avro 627 "Mailplane" (English): A Single-Seat Biplane
The Theory of Wind-Tunnel Wall Interference
Theory of Wing Sections of Arbitrary Shape
Investigation of the Diaphragm-Type Pressure Cell
The Comparative Performance of Superchargers
The Transference of Heat From a Hot Plate to an Air Stream
Liquid Cooling of Aircraft Engines
Resistance of Plates and Pipes at High Reynolds Numbers
Relations Between Ship Design and Seaplane Design
Measurement of Visibility From the Pilot's Cockpit on Different Airplane Types
The Frictionless Flow in the Region Around Two Circles
Effect of Viscosity in Speed Measurements With Double-Throat Venturi Tubes
Experiments With Airplane Brakes
Static Longitudinal Stability Of "Ente" Airplanes
Investigation of Certain Wing Shapes With Sections Varying Progressively Along the Span
The Dangerous Sideslip of a Stalled Airplane and Its Prevention
The Dangerous Flat Spin and the Factors Affecting It
Determination of Resistance and Trimming Moment of Planing Water Craft
Eleventh Rhön Soaring-Flight Contest, 1930
The Use of Elektron Metal in Airplane Construction
Clerget 100 Hp Heavy-Oil Engine
Spatial Buckling of Various Types of Airplane Strut Systems
Lift Distribution and Longitudinal Stability of an Airplane
Measurements of Vertical Air Currents in the Atmosphere
The Amiot 140 M Military Airplane (French): An All-Metal Multiplace High-Wing Monoplane
Breguet 390 T Commercial Airplane (French): A Ten-Seat All-Steel Sesquiplane
The Mono-Spar Light Airplane (British): A Twin-Engined Low-Wing Cabin Monoplane
The Mureaux 111 R.2 Military Airplane (French): A Long-Distance All-Metal Observation Monoplane
Polish P Type Single-Seat Fighters: All-Metal Gull-Type Wing Monoplanes