Browse TRAIL Inventories

Official changes in the active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices for November, 1929

Diamotite as a filler in battery boxes

Official changes in the active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices for December, 1931

Official changes in the active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices for September, 1931 / by Scott Turner.

Official changes in the active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices for March, 1931

Official changes in the active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices for April, 1931

Official changes in the active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices for November, 1931

Official changes in the active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices for August, 1931

Official changes in the active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices for January, 1931

Washability studies of the Mary Lee bed at Hull Mine, Dora, Ala.

Flotation tests on converter slag

Extraction of soluable copper from ores in leaching by percolation

Properties of California crude oils.

Consumption of explosives in May, 1931.

Absorption of nitrogen by steel

Some experimental data on the influence of dry and wet cleaning on coke properties and on gas and by-product yields of Pittsburgh and Mary Lee coals

The use of aluminum for oil lease tanks.

Reduction of evaporation losses from gasoline bulk-storage station tanks

Consumption of explosives in June, 1931

Survey of fuel consumption at refineries in 1930

A study of the properties of polyhalite pertaining to the extraction of potash.

Twenty-second semiannual motor gasoline survey

The use of aluminum for oil lease tanks.

A study of falls of roof and coal in mines in the number 8 field of eastern Ohio

The production of high-manganese slag in the electric furnace

New manganese-silicon alloys for the deoxidation of steel

Washability studies of the Black Creek Bed at Bradford Mine, Dixiana, Ala.

The propulsive strength and rate of pressure development of the Cardox blasting device

Separation of cyanite and mica from quartz, feldspar, and other gangue minerals of a mica schist

Twenty-second semiannual motor gasoline survey

Smelting in the lead blast furnace :Handling rich charges.

A study of the properties of Texas-New Mexico polyhalite pertaining to the extraction of potash.

Cooperatine research between the United States Bureau of Mines and the Safety in Mines Research Board :report for 1929

The acidity of several Pennsylvania streams during low water

Determination of magnetite in copper slags

A novel method of ventilating a Pennsylvania coal mine

Hydrogen-sulpfide content of the gas in some producing oil fields

A study of the properties of Texas polyhalite pertaining to the extraction of potash.

Oxygen as an aid in the dissolution of silver by cyanide from various silver minerals

Trends in the production and uses of granite as dimension stone

Recent developments in by-products from bituminous coal

Smelting in the lead blast furnace handling rich ores.

Roof support in coal mines in the Irwin, Greensburg and Latrobe Basins, Westmoreland County, Pa.

Tests on brick kilns fired with a stoker

Active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices approved prior to June 30. 1931.

Apparatus for the determination of hydrogen sulphide in gases

Consumption of explosives in April, 1931

Added recovery by hydraulic sizing of fine material in the land-pebble phosphate district of Florida

Review of fatalities in the California petroleum industry during the calendar year 1930

A device for determining work input to a laboratory ball mill

Published Year



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