Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Preliminary Report on Free Flight Tests
Power Characteristics of Fuels for Aircraft Engines
Properties and Preparation of Ceramic Insulators for Spark Plugs
The Strength of One-Piece Solid, Build-Up and Laminated Wood Airplane Wing Beams
The Structure of Airplane Fabrics
A Study of Airplane Engine Tests
A Study of Airplane Ranges and Useful Loads
The Subsidiary Gap as a Means for Improving Ignition
Slip-Stream Corrections in Performance Computation
The Testing of Balloon Fabrics
A New Process for the Production of Aircraft-Engine Fuels
The Ferrosilicon Process for the Generation of Hydrogen
Effect of Temperature and Pressure on the Sparking Voltage
Development of Air Speed Nozzles
Comparison of United States and British Standard Pitot-Static Tubes
Construction of Models for Tests in Wind Tunnels
Calculation of Low-Pressure Indicator Diagrams
Characteristics of High-Tension Magnetos
Carbureting Conditions Characteristics of Aircraft Engines
Theory of Lifting Surfaces, Part 2
Analytical methods for computing the polar curves of airplanes
Preliminary calculation of cylinder dimensions for aircraft engines
Establishment of aviation schools
Abacus for the reduction of English measures to the metric system and vice versa
The danger of stalled flight and an analysis of the factors which govern it
Dependence of propeller efficiency on angle of attack of propeller blade
Performance of a 300-horsepower Hispano-Suiza airplane engine
Performance of a Liberty 12 airplane engine
Analysis of wing truss stresses including the effect of redundancies
Wind tunnel studies in aerodynamic phenomena at high speed
A high-speed engine pressure indicator of the balanced diaphragm type
Design of wind tunnels and wind tunnel propellers II
Aerodynamic characteristics of aerofoils I
Effects of nature of cooling surface on radiator performance