Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Buffet Tests of an Attack-Airplane Model With Emphasis on Analysis of Data From Wind-Tunnel Tests
An Investigation of the Effects of Atmospheric Corrosion on the Fatigue Life of Aluminum Alloys
An Investigation of the Effect of Target Temperature on Projectile Penetration and Cratering
Free Convection Under the Conditions of the Internal Problem
Aerodynamic Research on Fuselages with Rectangular Cross Section
NACA Conference on High-Speed Aerodynamics
The Turbulent Boundary Layer on a Rough Curvilinear Surface
Statistical Study of Turbulence: Spectral Functions and Correlation Coefficients
Aerodynamic characteristics of two delta wings and two trapezoidal wings at Mach number of 4.04
Experimental techniques for predicting store motions during release or ejection
Some Research on the Lift and Stability of Wing-Body Combinations
Boundary-Layer Displacement Effects in Air at Mach Numbers of 6.8 and 9.6
Spin-Tunnel Investigation of a 1/28-Scale Model of a Subsonic Attack Airplane
Spin Tunnel Investigation of a 1/30 Scale Model of the North American A-5A Airplane
Flow and Drag Formulas for Simple Quadrics
Graphic Construction of Joukowski Wings
The Aerodynamic Forces on Airship Hulls
The Minimum Induced Drag of Aerofoils
Flow and Force Equations for a Body Revolving in a Fluid
The Theory of the Pitot and Venturi Tubes, Part 2
Unsteady flow past a NACA 0012 airfoil pitching at constant rates