Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Slip-Flow Heat Transfer From Cylinders in Subsonic Airstreams
Preliminary Survey of Propulsion Using Chemical Energy Stored in the Upper Atmosphere
Theoretical Investigation of Subsonic Oscillatory Blade-Row Aerodynamics
Transonic Flutter Investigation of Models of the All-Movable Horizontal Tail of a Fighter Airplane
Transonic Flutter Investigation of Models of the Sweptback Wing of a Fighter Airplane
Summary of Flutter Experiences as a Guide to the Preliminary Design of Lifting Surfaces on Missiles
Use of Highly Reactive Chemical Additives to Improve Afterburner Performance at Altitude
Wind-Tunnel Investigation at Mach Numbers From 0.6 to 1.4 of Several Ejected Pilot-Seat Models
Transonic Investigation of an Axial-Flow Compressor Rotor With a Contracted Exit Annulus
An Analysis of the Optimization of a Beam Rider Missile System
A Cooled-Gas Pyrometer for Use in High-Temperature Gas Streams
Effects of Nose Shape and Spray Control Strips on Emergence and Planing Spray of Hydro-Ski Models
The Effect of Compressor-Inlet Water Injection on Engine and Afterburner Performance