Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Accelerations in Transport-Airplane Crashes
Investigation of Control Signals for Variable Ramps of Twin-Duct Side Inlets
Investigation of an All-Moveable Control Surface at a Mach Number of 6.86 for Possible Flutter
High Mach Number, Low-Cowl-Drag, External-Compression Inlet With Subsonic Dump Diffuser
Investigation of Tantalum in a 3,800 Degrees Fahrenheit Supersonic Airstream
Analysis of Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer in Noncircular Passages
Theoretical Calculations of Supersonic Wave Drag at Zero Lift for a Particular Store Arrangement
Flight Tests of Two Smoke-Producing Devices Having Deacon Rocket Boosters
Further Investigation of Fatigue-Crack Propagation in Aluminum-Alloy Box Beams
Investigation of a High-Flow Transonic-Compressor Inlet Stage Having a Hub-Tip Radius of 0.35
Fatigue Behavior of Aircraft Structural Beams
Relationship of Metal Surfaces to Heat-Aging Properties of Adhesive Bonds
Aerodynamic Effects Caused by Icing of an Unswept NACA 65A004 Airfoil
Preliminary Analysis of a Nuclear-Powered Supersonic Airplane Using Ramjet Engines
Off-Design Performance of Divergent Ejectors
Preliminary Study of Airplane Configurations Having Tail Surfaces Outboard of the Wing Tips
Experimental Thermal Conductivities of the N2D4 Is in Equilibrium to 2NO2 System
Feasibility of Nose-Cone Cooling by the Upstream Ejection of Solid Coolants at the Stagnation Point
Experimental Investigation of a 7-Inch-Tip-Diameter Transonic Turbine
Temperature and Thermal-Stress Distributions in Some Structural Elements Heated at a Constant Rate