Browse TRAIL Inventories

Design and Experimental Investigation of a Single-Stage Turbine With a Rotor Entering Relative Mach Number of 2

Canard Hinge Moments and Longitudinal Stability of a 1/7-Scale Model of the Convair B-58 External Store in a Free-Flight Investigation at Mach Numbers From 0.94 to 2.58

Use of Highly Reactive Chemical Additives to Improve Afterburner Performance at Altitude

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at a Mach Number of 2.01 of the Aerodynamic Characteristics in Combined Angles of Attack and Sideslip of Several Hypersonic Missile Configurations with Various Canard Controls

Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 45 Degree Swept Wing Fighter Airplane Model and Aerodynamic Loads on Adjacent Stores and Missiles at Mach Numbers of 1.57, 1.87, 2.16, and 2.53

Aerodynamic Characteristics at a Mach Number of 6.8 of Two Hypersonic Missile Configurations, One With Low-Aspect-Ratio Cruciform Fins and Trailing-Edge Flaps and One With a Flared Afterbody and All-Movable Controls

Maneuver Performance of Interceptor Missiles

An Investigation of the Effect of Target Temperature on Projectile Penetration and Cratering

Investigation of Control Signals for Variable Ramps of Twin-Duct Side Inlets

Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Missiles Launched Under Water

Low-Speed Wind-Tunnel Tests of a 1/8-Scale Model of the Bell D-188A VTOL Airplane

Investigation of the Static Stability Characteristics of Five Hypersonic Missile Configurations at Mach Numbers From 2.29 to 4.65

Transonic Flutter Investigation of Models of the All-Movable Horizontal Tail of a Fighter Airplane

Transonic Flutter Investigation of Models of the Sweptback Wing of a Fighter Airplane

Effect of Dissociation on Exhaust-Nozzle Performance

Experimental and Analytical Investigation of the Transonic and Supersonic Divergence Characteristics of a Delta-Plan-Form All-Movable Control

An Experimental Investigation of the Static Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics of a Wingless Missile Configuration at Mach Numbers From 3.0 to 6.3

Investigation of Aerodynamic Characteristics of an Airplane Configuration Having Tail Surfaces Outboard of the Wing Tips at Mach Numbers of 2.30, 2.97, and 3.51

Investigation of an All-Movable Control Surface at a Mach Number of 6.86 for Possible Flutter

Investigation of Control Effectiveness and Stability Characteristics of a Model of a Low-Wing Missile With Interdigitated Tail Surfaces at Mach Numbers of 2.29, 2.97, and 3.51

Investigation of Flutter Characteristics of Three Low-Aspect-Ratio All-Movable Half-Span Control Surfaces at Mach Numbers From 1.49 to 2.87

Investigation of Lithium Hydride and Magnesium as High-Temperature Internal Coolants With Several Skin Materials

A Feasibility Study of the Flare-Cylinder Configuration as a Reentry Body Shape for an Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile

Free-Flight Investigation of Aerodynamic Heat Transfer to a Simulated Glide-Rocket Shape at Mach Numbers up to 10

Free-Flight Aerodynamic-Heating Data at Mach Numbers Up to 10.9 on a Flat-Faced Cylinder

Heat-Transfer Measurements on a Concave Hemispherical Nose Shape With Unsteady-Flow Effects at Mach Numbers of 1.98 and 4.95

Investigation of Inlet Control Parameters for an External-Internal-Compression Inlet From Mach 2.1 to 3.0

An Investigation of Supersonic Store Interference in the Vicinity of a 22 Degree Swept Wing Fuselage Configuration at Mach Numbers of 1.61 and 2.01

Buffet Tests of an Attack-Airplane Model With Emphasis on Analysis of Data From Wind-Tunnel Tests

Dynamic Lateral Behavior of High-Performance Aircraft

Some Effects of Flow Spoilers and of Aerodynamic Balance on the Oscillating Hinge Moments for a Swept Fin-Rudder Combination in a Transonic Wind Tunnel

Performance of JP-4 Fuel With Fluorine-Oxygen Mixtures in 1000-Pound-Thrust Rocket Engines

Static Stability and Control of Hypersonic Gliders

A Preliminary Investigation of the Performance of a Short Length Turbojet Combustor Using Vaporized Hydrocarbon Fuels

Hovering and Transition Flight Tests of a 1/5-Scale Model of the Ryan X-13 VTOL Airplane

Heat Transfer Measured in Free Flight on a Slightly Blunted 25 Degree Cone-Cylinder-Flare Configuration at Mach Numbers Up to 9.89

Free-Spinning-Tunnel Investigation of a 1/28-Scale Model of the North American FJ-4 Airplane

Heat-Transfer and Pressure Measurements From a Flight Test of the Second 1/18-Scale Model of the Titan Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Up to a Mach Number of 3.91 and Reynolds Number Per Foot of 23.4 by 10 to the 6th Power

An Acceleration Schedule Control for Accelerating a Turbojet Engine and Its Use With a Speed Control

A Comparison of Flight-Measured Carrier- Approach Speeds With Values Predicted by Several Different Criteria for 41 Fighter-Type Airplane Configurations

An Analog Study of the Influence of Internal Modifications to a Wing Leading Edge on Its Transient Temperature Rise During Highspeed Flight

Aerodynamic Performance and Static Stability and Control of Flat-Top Hypersonic Gliders at Mach Numbers From 0.6 to 18

Comparison of Various Heat Exchangers for Liquid-Metal Nuclear Turbojet Over Range of Flight and Operating Conditions

Turbine Engines for High-Speed Flight

Experimental Investigation of Extreme Internal Flow Turning at the Cowl Lip of an Axisymetric Inlet at a Mach Number of 2.95

Theoretical Analysis of the Interference Effects of Several Supersonic Tunnel Walls Capable of Absorbing the Shock Caused by the Nose of a Model

Some Effects of Rapid Inlet Pressure Oscillation on the Operation of a Turbojet Engine

Transonic-Wind-Tunnel Tests of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 0.15-Scale Model of the North American Aviation 255-Inch Fin-Stabilized External Store, Coord No. AF-AM-4

Investigation of a Prototype Iroquois Turbojet Engine in an Altitude Test Chamber Coord. No. AF-P-6

The Interaction of a Reflected Shock Wave with the Boundary Layer in a Shock Tube

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