Browse TRAIL Inventories

Tracking performance of a swept-wing fighter with a director-type radar fire-control system and scope presentation

Torque-speed characteristics for high-specific-work turbines

Investigation of two bluff shapes in axial free flight over a Mach number range from 0.35 and 2.15

Limited investigation of noise suppression by injection of water into exhaust of afterburning jet engine

Limited tests of molybdenum coated with molybdenum disilicide in a supersonic heated-air jet and brief description of the coating facility

Low-subsonic investigation to determine the chordwise pressure distribution and effectiveness of spoilers on a thin, low-aspect-ratio, unswept, untapered, semispan wing and on the wing with leading and trailing-edge flaps

Low tire friction and cornering forces on a wet surface

Aerodynamic Heating of Blunt Nose Shapes at Mach Numbers Up to 14

Preliminary Aerodynamic Data Pertinent to Manned Satellite Reentry Configurations

Preliminary Analysis of a Nuclear Powered Supersonic Airplane Using Ramjet Engines

Preliminary Analysis of Hydrogen-Rich Hypersonic Ramjet Operation

Off-Design Performance of Divergent Ejectors

Performance at Mach Numbers 3.07, 1.89, and 0 of Inlets Designed for Inlet-Engine Matching Up to Mach 3

Performance of Five Short Multielement Turbojet Combustors for Hydrogen Fuel in Quarter-Annulus Duct

A Preliminary Study of the Effect of Boric Oxide Deposits on the Performance of Two Selected Turbine Stator-Blade Shapes

Flight, Analog-Simulator, and Analytical Studies of an Automatically Controlled Interceptor Which Uses a Bank-Angle-Error Computer for Lateral Commands

Some Effects of Reynolds Number on the Stability of a Series of Flared-Body and Blunted-Cone Models at Mach Numbers From 1.62 to 6.86

Some Experimental Heating Data on Convex and Concave Hemispherical Nose Shapes and Hemispherical Depressions on a 30-Degree Blunted Nose Cone

Survey of Supersonic Inlets for High Mach Number Applications

High Mach Number, Low-Cowl-Drag, External-Compression Inlet With Subsonic Dump Diffuser

Summary of Flight Data Obtained From 0.12-Scale Rocket-Powered Models of the Chance Vought Regulus 2 Missile

Preliminary Transonic Flutter Investigation of Models of T-Tall of Blackburn NA-39 Airplane

Some Notes on the Probable Damage to an Intercontinental-Ballistic-Missile Warhead Following Puncture of the Heat Shield

A Wind Tunnel Investigation of Several Wingless Missile Configurations at Supersonic Speeds

Experimental Study of Ballistic-Missile Base Heating with Operating Rocket

Performance of an Isentropic, All-Internal-Contraction, Axisymmetric Inlet Designed for Mach 2.50

Effects of Modifications to a Control Surface on a 6-Percent-Thick Unswept Wing on the Transonic Control-Surface Flutter Derivatives

Stability of Ballistic Reentry Bodies

A Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Wing Loads Due to Deflected Inboard Ailerons on a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing at Transonic Speeds

A Flight Evaluation and Analysis of the Effect of Icing Conditions on the ZPG-2 Airship

Effect of Spike-Tip and Cowl-Lip Blunting on Inlet Performance of a Mach 3.0 External-Compression Inlet

Effects of Surface Roughness and Extreme Cooling on Boundary-Layer Transition for 15 Degrees Cone-Cylinder in Free Flight at Mach Numbers to 7.6

Droplet Impingement and Ingestion by Supersonic Nose Inlet in Subsonic Tunnel Conditions

The Effect of Compressor-Inlet Water Injection on Engine and Afterburner Performance

An Investigation of the Performance of a Semielliptical Scoop Inlet at Mach Numbers of 1.60, 1.76, and 2.02

Performance of Multiple Jet-Exit Installations

Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a Model of a Proposed Six-Engine Hull-Type Seaplane Designed for Supersonic Flight

Effects of Boattail Area Contouring and Simulated Turbojet Exhaust on the Loading and Fuselage-Tail Component Drag of a Twin-Engine Fighter-Type Airplane Model

Experimental Investigation of a 7-Inch-Tip-Diameter Transonic Turbine

Exploratory Investigation of Performance of Experimental Fuel-Rich Hydrogen Combustion System

Effect of Control Trailing-Edge Thickness or Aspect Ratio on the Oscillating Hinge-Moment and Flutter Characteristics of a Flaptype Control at Transonic Speeds

Experimental Investigation of a High Subsonic Mach Number Turbine Having a 40-Blade Rotor With Zero Suction-Surface Diffusion

A Flight Study of the Effects of Noise Filtering in the Attack Display on the Pilot's Tracking Performance

Experimental Behavior of Pentaborane-Air Combustion Products During Expansion in a Convergent Divergent Nozzle

Experimental and Theoretical Determination of Forces and Moments on a Store and on a Store- Pylon Combination Mounted on a 45 Degree Swept- Wing-Fuselage Configuration at a Mach Number of 1.61

Performance of a 28-Inch Ramjet Utilizing Gaseous Hydrogen at a Mach Number of 3.6, Angles of Attack Up to 12 Degrees, and Pressure Altitudes Up to 110,000 Feet

Tracking Performance of a Swept-Wing Fighter With a Director-Type Radar Fire-Control System and Scope Presentation

Boundary-Layer-Transition Measurements in Full-Scale Flight

Analysis of Flight-Determined and Predicted Effects of Flexibility on the Steady-State Wing Loads of the B-52 Airplane

Comparison of Injectors With a 200-Pound-Thrust Ammonia-Oxygen Engine

Published Year



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