Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
A comparison of two methods for calculating transient temperatures for thick walls
Aerodynamic characteristics of a canard and an outboard-tail airplane model at a Mach number of 2.01
Supersonic wave interference affecting stability
Similar solutions for the compressible boundary layer on a yawed cylinder with transpiration cooling
Some factors affecting the variation of pitching moment with sideslip of aircraft configurations
Results of an experimental investigation of small viscous dampers
Survey of supersonic inlets for high Mach number applications
An experimental investigation of wake effects on hydro-skis
Effect of a stringer on the stress concentration due to a crack in a thin sheet
Dynamic stability of vehicles traversing ascending or descending paths through the atmosphere
Effect of aerodynamic heating on the flutter of a rectangular wing at a Mach number of 2
Effects of nose angle and Mach number on transition on cones at supersonic speeds
Idealized wings and wing-bodies at a Mach number of 3
Transonic drag of several jet-noise suppressors
Induction system characteristics and engine surge occurrence for two fighter-type airplanes
Theoretical combustion performance of several high-energy fuels for ramjet engines
Aerodynamic heating of blunt nose shapes at Mach numbers up to 14
A wind-tunnel investigation of several wingless missile configurations at supersonic speeds
Tests of ring-stiffened circular cylinders subjected to a transverse shear load