Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Jet effects on the base drag of a cylindrical afterbody with extended nozzles
Dilution of liquid oxygen when nitrogen is used for pressurization
A numerical method for evaluating wave drag
Physical characteristics and test conditions of an ethylene-heated high-temperature jet
Observations of turbulent-burst geometry and growth in supersonic flow
Thin airfoil theory based on approximate solution of the transonic flow equation
Analysis of transonic rotor-blade passage loss with hot-wire anemometers
An approximate analytical method for studying entry into planetary atmospheres
Turbulent boundary layer on a yawed cone in a supersonic stream
Investigation of boiling burnout and flow stability for water flowing in tubes
The rate of fatigue-crack propagation in two aluminum alloys
Collection of zero-lift drag data on bodies of revolution from free-flight investigations
Effects of fabrication-type roughness on turbulent skin friction at supersonic speeds
Effect of jet temperature on jet-noise generation
Measurements of total hemispherical emissivity of various oxidized metals at high temperature
Study of ground-reaction forces measured during landing impacts of a large airplane
Relation between flow range and other compressor-stage characteristics
Analysis of two-stage counterrotating turbine efficiencies in terms of work and speed requirements
Theoretical pressure distribution for several related nonlifting airfoils at high subsonic speeds
Approximations for the thermodynamic and transport properties of high-temperature air