Browse TRAIL Inventories

Jet effects on the base drag of a cylindrical afterbody with extended nozzles

Dilution of liquid oxygen when nitrogen is used for pressurization

Performance of an All-Internal Conical Compression Inlet with Annular Throat Bleed at Mach Number 5.0

A numerical method for evaluating wave drag

Physical characteristics and test conditions of an ethylene-heated high-temperature jet

Observations of turbulent-burst geometry and growth in supersonic flow

Some effects of flow spoilers and of aerodynamic balance on the oscillating hinge moments for a swept fin-rudder combination in a transonic wind tunnel

Preliminary performance data obtained in a full-scale, free-jet investigation of a side-inlet supersonic diffuser

Thin airfoil theory based on approximate solution of the transonic flow equation

Wind-tunnel tests of a full-scale helicopter rotor with symmetrical and with cambered blade sections at advance ratios from 0.3 to 0.4

Analytical and experimental investigation of a temperature-schedule acceleration control for a turbojet engine

Analytical and experimental investigation of temperature recovery factors for fully developed flow of air in a tube

Analysis of turbulent flow and heat transfer on a flat plate at high Mach numbers with variable fluid properties

Use of the Coanda effect for obtaining jet deflection and lift with a single flat-plate deflection surface

Use of the Coanda effect for jet deflection and vertical lift with multiple-flat-plate and curved-plate deflection surfaces

Use of the Kernel function in a three-dimensional flutter analysis with application to a flutter-tested delta-wing model

Transonic investigation of yawed wings of aspect ratios 3 and 6 with a Sears-Haack body and with symmetrical and asymmetrical bodies indented for a Mach number of 1.20

Analysis of transonic rotor-blade passage loss with hot-wire anemometers

An analysis of the turbulent boundary-layer characteristics on a flat plate with distributed light-gas injection

An approximate analytical method for studying entry into planetary atmospheres

Turbulent boundary layer on a yawed cone in a supersonic stream

Wind-tunnel investigation of the high-subsonic static longitudinal stability characteristics of several wing-body configurations designed for high lift-drag ratios at a Mach number of 1.4

Wind-tunnel investigation of the static longitudinal stability and trim characteristics of a sweptback-wing jet-transport model equipped with an external-flow jet augmented flap

Flight investigation of the low-speed characteristics of a 45 degree swept-wing fighter-type airplane with blowing boundary-layer control applied to the trailing edge flaps

Experimental investigation of a high subsonic Mach number turbine having a 40-blade rotor with zero suction-surface diffusion

Free-flight roll performance of a steady-flow jet-spoiler control on an 80 degree delta-wing missile between Mach numbers of 0.6 and 1.8

Free-flight transonic model investigation of jet effects on a fighter-type configuration employing a tail boom and three horizontal-tail positions

Investigation of boiling burnout and flow stability for water flowing in tubes

The rate of fatigue-crack propagation in two aluminum alloys

Effect of sliding velocity on friction properties and endurance life of bonded lead monoxide coatings at temperatures up to 1250 F

Collection of zero-lift drag data on bodies of revolution from free-flight investigations

Effects of fabrication-type roughness on turbulent skin friction at supersonic speeds

Effects of fixing boundary-layer transition for an unswept-wing model and an evaluation of porous tunnel-wall interference for Mach numbers from 0.60 to 1.40

Comparison of shock-expansion theory with experiment for the lift, drag, and pitching-moment characteristics of two wing-body combinations at M=5.0

Effect of screens in reducing distortion and diffusion length for a 'dump' diffuser at a Mach number of 3.85

Effect of jet temperature on jet-noise generation

An analysis of surface pressures and aerodynamic load distribution over the swept wing of the Douglas D-558-II research airplane at Mach numbers from 0.73 to 1.73

Application of a high-temperature static strain gage to the measurement of thermal stresses in a turbine stator vane

Application of statistical theory to beam-rider guidance in the presence of noise 2: modified Wiener filter theory

Measurements of total hemispherical emissivity of various oxidized metals at high temperature

Measurements of ground-reaction forces and vertical center-of-gravity accelerations of a bomber airplane taxiing over obstacles

Study of ground-reaction forces measured during landing impacts of a large airplane

Wind-tunnel investigation of effects of spoiler location, spoiler size, and fuselage nose shape on directional characteristics of a model of a tandem-rotor helicopter fuselage

Relation between flow range and other compressor-stage characteristics

Analysis of two-stage counterrotating turbine efficiencies in terms of work and speed requirements

Special bodies added on a wing to reduce shock induced boundary-layer separation at high subsonic speeds

Lift and profile-drag characteristics of an NACA 0012 airfoil section as derived from measured helicopter-rotor hovering performance

Theoretical pressure distribution for several related nonlifting airfoils at high subsonic speeds

Wind-tunnel investigation at low speeds of flight characteristics of a sweptback-wing jet-transport airplane model equipped with an external-flow jet-augmented slotted flap

Approximations for the thermodynamic and transport properties of high-temperature air

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