Browse TRAIL Inventories

Analysis of Static Aeroelastic Behavior of Low-Aspect-Ratio Rectangular Wings

Attenuation in a Shock Tube Due to Unsteady-Boundary-Layer Action

The Mechanism of Thermal-Gradient Mass Transfer in the Sodium Hydroxide-Nickel System

Far Noise Field of Air Jets and Jet Engines

Full-Scale Investigation of Several Jet-Engine Noise-Reduction Nozzles

Elliptic Cones Alone and with Wings at Supersonic Speed

Growth of Disturbances in a Flame-Generated Shear Region

Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Subsonic-Flow Fields Beneath Swept and Unswept Wings with Tables or Vortex-Induced Velocities

Effect of Fatigue Crack on Static Strength: 2014-T6, 2024-T4, 6061-T6, 7075-T6 Open-Hole Monobloc Specimens

Some Observations on Stress-Corrosion Cracking of Single Crystals of AZ61X Magnesium Alloy

Some Factors Affecting the Static Longitudinal and Directional Stability Characteristics of Supersonic Aircraft Configurations

Identification of Foreign Objects Damaging Compressor Blades in Turbojet Engines

Propagation of Sound Into a Wind-Created Shadow Zone

Further Experiments on the Stability of Laminar and Turbulent Hydrogen-Air Flames at Reduced Pressures

Wind-Tunnel Flutter Tests at Mach Numbers Up to 3.0 of Boeing Wing Models for Weapons System 110A: Coord. No. AF-AM-108

Statistical Approach to the Estimation of Loads and Pressures on Seaplane Hulls for Routine Operations

Study of Some Burner Cross-Section Changes That Increase Space-Heating Rates

Study of Pressure Distributions on Simple Sharp-Nosed Models at Mach Numbers From 16 to 18 in Helium Flow

Summary of NACA Research on Ignition Lag of Self-Igniting Fuel - Nitric Acid Propellants

Tables of Various Mach Number Functions for Specific-Heat Ratios From 1.28 to 1.38

Appraisal of the Hazards of Friction-Spark Ignition of Aircraft Crash Fires

Investigation of an Air-Cooled, Plug-Type, Variable-Area Exhaust Nozzle

Investigation of the NiAl Phase of Nickel-Aluminum Alloys

A Limited Correlation of Atmospheric Sounding Data and Turbulence Experienced by Rocket-Powered Models

Investigation of the Low-Speed Flight Characteristics of a 1/15-Scale Model of the Convair XB-58 Airplane: Coord. No. AF-AM-15

Investigation of the Influence of the Boundaries of a High-Speed Free Water Jet on the Planing Lift of a Flat Plate

Experimental Investigation of Water Injection in Subsonic Diffuser of a Conical Inlet Operation at Free-Stream Mach Number of 2.5

Experimental Hinge Moments on Two Freely Oscillating Trailing-Edge Controls Hinged at 55 Percent Control Chord

Experimental Investigation of a Method of Wave-Drag Reduction for Combinations Employing Quasicylindrical Bodies and Swept Wings at Supersonic Speeds

Effect of an Interface on Transient Temperature Distribution in Composite Aircraft Joints

Impact-Loads Investigation of Chine-Immersed Model Having a Circular-Arc Transverse Shape

Hydrogen for Turbojet and Ramjet Powered Flight

Incompressible Flutter Characteristics of Representative Aircraft Wings

Supplementary Investigation in the Langley 20-Foot Free-Spinning Tunnel of a 1/20-Scale Model of the Douglas F4D-1 Airplane With External Wing Fuel Tanks

Effects of Extreme Surface Cooling on Boundary-Layer Transition

Some Effects of Aileron Deflection on the Static Lateral and Directional Aerodynamic Characteristics of Four Contemporary Airplane Models

Handbook of Structural Stability Part 2: Buckling of Composite Elements

Relation of Currently Estimated ANP Performance to Required ANP Performance

A Thermal System for Continuous Monitoring of Laminar and Turbulent Boundary-Layer Flows During Routine Flight

Experimental lift of low-aspect-ratio triangular wings at large angles of attack and supersonic speeds

A Method of Computing the Transient Temperature of Thick Walls From Arbitrary Variation of Adiabatic-Wall Temperature and Heat-Transfer Coefficient

A Method of Computing the Transient Temperature of Thick Walls From Arbitrary Variation of Adiabatic-Wall Temperature and Heat-Transfer Coefficient

A Flight Investigation to Determine the Effectiveness of Mach Number 1.0, 1.2, and 1.41 Fuselage Indentations for Reducing the Pressure Drag of a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing Configuration at Transonic and Low Supersonic Speeds

Flight Investigation of Factors Affecting the Choice of Minimum Approach Speed for Carrier-Type Landings of a Swept-Wing Jet Fighter Airplane

Flight Investigation of a Supersonic Propeller on a Propeller Research Vehicle at Mach Numbers to 1.01

High-Pressure Blowing Over Flap and Wing Leading Edge of a Thin Large-Scale 49 Degree Swept Wing-Body-Tail Configuration in Combination With a Drooped Nose and a Nose With a Radius Increase

Low-Speed Cascade Investigation of Thin Low-Camber Naca 65-Series Blade Sections at High Inlet Angles

Measurement of Aerodynamic Heat Transfer to a Deflected Trailing-Edge Flap on a Delta Fin in Free Flight at Mach Numbers From 1.5 to 2.6

Lateral Stability Investigation at Mach Numbers From 0.8 to 1.7 of Two Rocket-Boosted Models of an Airplane Configuration With a 45 Degree Swept Wing and a Low Horizontal Tail

Investigation of the Low-Speed Performance and Static Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics of a 60 Degree Delta-Wing-Body-Tail Combination With Blowing Over Trailing-Edge Flaps

Published Year



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