Browse TRAIL Inventories

Handbook of Structural Stability Part 1: Buckling of Flat Plates

Handbook of Structural Stability Part 5: Compressive Strength of Flat Stiffened Panels

Handbook of Structural Stability Part 2: Buckling of Composite Elements

Reduction of Oxidized Nichrome V Powders and Sintering of Nichrome V Bodies

Handbook of Structural Stability Part 3: Buckling of Curved Plates and Shells

Investigation at High Subsonic Speeds of the Use of Low Auxiliary Tail Surfaces Having Dihedral to Improve the Longitudinal and Directional Stability of a T-Tail Model at High Lift

Laminar Boundary Layer With Heat Transfer on a Cone at Angle of Attack in a Supersonic Stream

Thermal Decomposition of Some Group I, II, and III Metal Alkyls

On Subsonic Flow Past a Paraboloid of Revolution

Thermal Stability of a Commercial Propyl Pentaborane (HEF-2) in the Range 147 to 190 Degrees C

Experimental Investigation of Transpiration Cooling for a Turbulent Boundary Layer in Subsonic Flow Using Air as a Coolant

The Sine-Cosine Method for Reducing the Interference Pressure Drag of Sweptback Wings

Full-Scale Investigation of Several Jet-Engine Noise-Reduction Nozzles

Summary of 65-Series Compressor-Blade Low-Speed Cascade Data by Use of the Carpet-Plotting Technique

The Mechanism of Thermal-Gradient Mass Transfer in the Sodium Hydroxide-Nickel System

An Experimental Study at High Subsonic Speeds of Several Tail Configurations on a Model Having a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing

Investigation at High Subsonic Speeds of the Effects of Various Horizontal Fuselage Forebody Fins on the Directional and Longitudinal Stability of a Complete Model Having a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing

The Similarity Rules for Second-Order Subsonic and Supersonic Flow

Sidewash in the Vicinity of Lifting Swept Wings at Supersonic Speeds

Internal Performance of Two-Dimensional Wedge Exhaust Nozzles

On Stokes' Stream Function in Compressible Small-Disturbance Theory

Flight Investigation of the Low-Speed Characteristics of a 35 Degree Swept-Wing Airplane Equipped with an Area-Suction Ejector Flap and Various Wing Leading-Edge Devices

Compressive Stress-Strain Properties of 17-7 PH and AM 350 Stainless-Steel Sheet at Elevated Temperatures

Elliptic Cones Alone and with Wings at Supersonic Speeds

Effects of Horizontal-Tail Position and a Wing Leading-Edge Modification Consisting of a Full-Span Flap and a Partial-Span Chord-Extension on the Aerodynamic Characteristics in Pitch at High Subsonic Speeds of a Model With a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing

Investigation of Some Mechanical Properties of Thermenol Compressor Blades

Experimental Investigation of Temperature Feedback Control Systems Applicable to Turbojet-Engine Control

Experimental Comparison of Speed: Fuel-Flow and Speed-Area Controls on a Turbojet Engine for Small Step Disturbances

Flight Investigation of the Transonic Longitudinal and Lateral Handling Qualities of the Douglas X-3 Research Airplane

Investigation at Mach Numbers to 1.04 of Blade-Loading Characteristics of Two Full-Scale Three-Blade Supersonic Propellers Differing in Blade-Section Camber

Tables of Characteristic Functions for Solving Boundary-Value Problems of the Wave Equation with Application to Supersonic Interference

Effects of Some Configuration Changes on Afterburner Combustion Performance

A Semiempirical Correlation of Afterburner Combustion Efficiency and Lean-Blowout Fuel-Air-Ratio Data with Several Afterburner-Inlet Variables and Afterburner Lengths

Flight-Test Investigation on the Langley Control-Line Facility of a Model of a Propeller-Driven Tail-Sitter-Type Vertical-Take-Off Airplane with Delta Wing During Rapid Transitions

Effect of Transient Heating on Vibration Frequencies of Some Simple Wing Structures

Effects of Jet Exhausts on Flight-Determined Longitudinal and Lateral Dynamic Stability Characteristics of the Douglas D-558-II Research Airplane

Dynamic Longitudinal Stability Characteristics of a Swept-Wing Fighter-Type Airplane at Mach Numbers Between 0.36 and 1.45

Experimental Investigation of a 0.4 Hub-Tip Diameter Ratio Axial-Flow Compressor Inlet Stage at Transonic Inlet Relative Mach Numbers 4: Performance of Tapered-Tip Rotor Configuration with Reset Blade Angles

Instrument Flight Trials with Helicopter Stabilized in Attitude About Each Axis Individually

Three-Degree-of Freedom Evaluation of the Longitudinal Transfer Functions of a Supersonic Canard Missile Configuration Including Changes in Forward Speed

Analysis of Limitations Imposed on One-Spool Ducted-Fan-Engine Designs by Compressors and Turbines at Flight Mach Numbers of 0, 0.6, and 0.8

Experimental Investigation of a Five-Stage Axial-Flow Research Compressor with Transonic Rotors in All Stages 4: Blade-Element Performance

High-Altitude Performance of J71-A-11 Turbojet Engine and Its Components Using JP-4 and Gaseous-Hydrogen Fuels

Preliminary Investigation of the Effect of Surface Treatment on the Strength of a Titanium Carbide - 30 Percent Nickel Base Cermet

Some Aspects of Fail-Safe Design of Pressurized Fuselages

Bursting Strength of Unstiffened Pressure Cylinders with Slits

Hinge-Moment and Effectiveness Characteristics of an Aspect-Ratio-8.2 Flap-Type Control on a 60 Degree Delta Wing at Mach Numbers from 0.72 to 1.96

Experimental Investigation of Modified Cast-Cored Blades Having Hollow Tip Sections

Effect of Fluid-System Parameters on Starting Flow

Measurements of Runway Roughness of Four Commercial Airports

Published Year



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