Browse TRAIL Inventories

Local Heat Transfer to Blunt Noses at High Supersonic Speeds

Measurement of Static Forces on Externally Carried Bombs of Fineness Ratios 7.1 and 10.5 in the Flow Field of a Swept-Wing Fighter- Bomber Configuration at a Mach Number of 1.6

Preliminary Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Performance of Republic F-105 Wing-Root Inlet Configurations at Various Angles of Attack and a Mach Number of 2.01

Evaluation of Hydrogen Fuel in a Full-Scale Afterburner

Influence of Automatic Control of Roll Coupling and Pitch-Up on Tail Loads

Influence of Boric Oxide Deposition on Turbojet-Engine Operation

A Note on the Ability to Predict Transonic Drag-Rise Changes Due to Model Modifications

NACA Conference on Aircraft Loads, Structures, and Flutter

Comparative Study of Turbofan and Turbojet Engines

Comparison and Evaluation of Two Model Techniques Used in Predicting Bomb-Release Motions

Cascade Investigation of Cooling Characteristics of a Castfinned Air-Cooled Turbine Blade for Use in a Turboprop Engine

The Design and Cascade Tests of Free-Streamline and Full-Contour 160 Degree Turning Supersonic-Turbine-Blade Sections

Calculation of External-Store Loads and Correlation With Experiment

Comparison of Experimental and Theoretical Zero-Lift Wave-Drag Results for Various Wing-Body-Tail Combinations at Mach Numbers Up to 1.9

Aerodynamic Loads on Tails at High Angles of Attack and Sideslip

Altitude Performance of a Turbojet Engine Using Pentaborane Fuel

Analyses for Turbojet Thrust Augmentation With Fuel-Rich Afterburning of Hydrogen, Diborane, and Hydrazine

Analytical Investigation of Fuel-Cooled Turbine Blades With Return-Flow Type of Finned Coolant Passages

Use of Constant Diffuser Mach Number as a Control Parameter for Variable-Geometry Inlets at Mach Numbers of 1.8 to 2.0

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at High Subsonic Speeds of the Effects on Static Stability Characteristics of Various Modifications to a Swept-Wing Fighter-Type Airplane Model

A Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Effects of Conical Camber for an Airplane Configuration Having a Triangular Wing of Aspect Ratio 2.2

Wind-Tunnel Tests of the Static Longitudinal Characteristics at Low Speed of a Swept-Wing Airplane With Blowing Flaps and Leading-Edge Slats

Aerodynamics of Oscillating Control Surfaces at Transonic Speeds

Material Compatibility With Gaseous Fluorine

Measurement of Static Forces on Internally Carried Bombs of Three Fineness Ratios in Flow Field of a Swept-Wing Fighter-Bomber Configuration at a Mach Number of 1.61 With Illustrative Drop Path Calculations

Flight Investigation of Pentaborane Fuel in 9.75-inch-diameter Ram-jet Engine With Downstream Fuel Injection

High-Altitude Performance of J71-A-11 Turbojet Engine and Its Components Using JP-4 and Gaseous-Hydrogen Fuels

Investigation of Ejection Releases of an MB-1 Rocket From a 0.04956-Scaled Model of the Convair F-106A Airplane at Mach Number 1.59

Investigation of Ejection Releases of an MB-1 Rocket From a 0.04956-Scaled Model of the Convair F-106A Airplane at Mach Number 1.59

Investigation of the Low-Speed Flight Characteristics of a 1/15-Scale Model of the Convair XB-58 Airplane

Wind-Tunnel Tests of a Series of Practice Bombs

Transonic Flutter Investigation of an All-Movable Horizontal Tail for a Fighter Airplane

Dynamic Stability Investigation of Two Right Circular Cylinders in Axial Free Flight at Mach Numbers From 0.4 to 1.7 Fineness-Ratio- 2.56 Cylinder and Fineness-Ratio-4.0 Cylinder With Flared Afterbody

Experimental Performance of a 5000-Pound-Thrust Rocket Chamber Using a 20-Percent-Fluorine - 80-Percent-Oxygen Mixture With RP-1

Experimental Investigation of the Transonic and Supersonic Flutter Characteristics of the Upper and Lower Vertical Tails of an Air-to-Ground Missile

Effect of Hinge-Line Position on the Oscillating Hinge Moments and Flutter Characteristics of a Flap-Type Control at Transonic Speeds

Investigation of a 0.6 Hub-Tip Radius-Ratio Transonic Turbine Designed for Secondary-Flow Study 2 - Design and Experimental Performance of Turbine With Low-Velocity-Turning Stator and Standard Rotor

Investigation of a 0.6 Hub-Tip Radius-Ratio Transonic Turbine Designed for Secondary-Flow Study 3 - Experimental Performance With Two Stator Configurations Designed to Eliminate Blade Wakes and Secondary-Flow Effects and Conclusions From Entire Stator Investigation

Investigation of an Afterburning Ramjet Using Gaseous Hydrogen as Fuel at Mach Number of 3.0

Investigation of an Air-Cooled, Plug-Type, Variable-Area Exhaust Nozzle

Investigation of an Underslung Normal-Wedge Inlet at Free-Stream Mach Numbers From 1.50 to 1.99

Investigation of an Underslung Scoop Inlet at Mach Numbers to 1.99

Investigation of Drag and Static Longitudinal and Lateral Stability Characteristics of a Model of a 40.4 Degree Swept-Wing Airplane at Mach Numbers of 1.56 and 2.06

Investigation of Ejection Releases of an MB-1 Rocket From a 0.04956-Scaled Model of the Convair F-106A Airplane at Several Mach Numbers and Simulated Altitudes

Investigation of Rotating-Stall Limits in a Supersonic Turbofan Engine

Heat Transfer in Regions of Separated and Reattached Flows

In-Flight Gains Realized by Modifying a Twin Side-Inlet Induction System

Investigation of High-Angle-of-Attack Performance of a 14 Deg Ramp-Type Inlet in Various Circumferential Body Locations: Mach Number Range 1.5 to 2.0

Investigation of Static Pressures and Boundary-Layer Characteristics on the Forward Parts of Nine Fuselages of Various Cross-Sectional Shapes at M Infinity Equal 2.01

Analysis of Fluorine Addition to the Vanguard First Stage

Published Year



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