Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
A summary of ground-loads statistics
Theory of aircraft structural models subject to aerodynamic heating and external loads
Theory of Self-Excited Mechanical Oscillations of Helicopter Rotors with Hinged Blades
Altitude performance of a full-scale turbojet engine using pentaborane fuels
Altitude performance of a turbojet engine using pentaborane fuel
Altitude performance of pentaborane - JP-4 fuel blends in a modified J47 combustor
Turbulence measurements in multiple interfering air jets
A theoretical study of the aerodynamics of slender cruciform-wing arrangements and their wakes
The linearized subsonic flow about symmetrical nonlifting wing-body combinations
Momentum transfer for flow over a flat plate with blowing
On the minimization of airplane responses to random gusts
Determination of surge and stall limits of an axial-flow turbojet engine for control applications
Experimental investigation of the simulation of atmospheric entry of ballistic missiles
Performance of Twin-Duct Variable-Geometry Side Inlets at Mach Numbers of 1.5 to 2.0
Preliminary Evaluation of the Wing Leading Edge as a Missile-Mounting Location
Factors Affecting Loads at Hypersonic Speeds
A Review of NACA Research Through 1954 on Boron Compounds as Fuels for Jet Aircraft (Project Zip)
Synthesis and Hydrolysis-Rate Studies of Decaborane Derivatives
Design and Performance of Fuel Control for Aircraft Hydrogen Fuel System
Transonic Flutter Characteristics of a Cambered A-Plan-Form Wing With and Without Simulated Nacelles
Wind-Tunnel Flutter Tests at Mach Numbers up to 3.0 of Boeing Wing Models for Weapons System 110A
Flight Investigation of a Liquid Hydrogen Fuel System
Altitude Starting Tests of a Small Solid Propellant Rocket
Additional Experiments With Flat-Top Wing- Body Combinations at High Supersonic Speeds