Browse TRAIL Inventories

Estimation of incremental pitching moments due to trailing-edge flaps on swept and triangular wings

Experimental determination at subsonic speeds of the oscillatory and static lateral stability derivatives of a series of delta wings with leading-edge sweep from 30 to 86.5 degrees

Experimental investigation of flow fields at zero sideslip near swept- and unswept-wing-fuselage combinations at low speed

An experimental and theoretical study of the effect of fuel on pitching-translation flutter

Experimental and theoretical aerodynamic characteristics of two low-aspect-ratio delta wings at angles of attack to 50 degrees at a Mach number of 4.07

Experimental investigation of lift, drag, and pitching moment of five annular airfoils

Experimental investigation of cermet turbine blades in an axial-flow turbojet engine

Experimental investigation of deposition by boron-containing fuels in turbojet combustor

Experimental investigation of ejector-nozzle metal temperatures

The aerodynamic characteristics of a body in the two-dimensional flow field of a circular-arc wing at a Mach number of 2.01

Flight measurements of boundary-layer temperature profiles on a body of revolution (NACA RM-10) at Mach numbers from 1.2 to 3.5

Some experimental studies of panel flutter at Mach number 1.3

Supplementary investigation in the Langley 20-foot free-spinning tunnel of a 1/20-scale model of the Douglas F4D-1 airplane with external wing fuel tanks : TED No. NACA AD 3116

Supersonic aerodynamic characteristics of a low-drag aircraft configuration having an arrow wing of aspect ratio 1.86 and a body of fineness ratio 20

Results of an investigation at high subsonic speeds to determine lateral-control and hinge-moment characteristics of a spoiler-slot-deflector configuration on a 35 degree sweptback wing

Propellant vaporization as a criterion for rocket engine design : calculations of chamber length to vaporize a single n-heptane drop

Some Reynolds number phenomena in a turbojet compressor

Some research results on sandwich structures

Studies of structural failure due to acoustic loading

Static lateral characteristics at high subsonic speeds of a complete airplane model with a highly tapered wing having the 0.80 chord line unswept and with several tail configurations

The response of an airplane to random atmospheric disturbances

Results of two free-fall experiments on flutter of thin unswept wings in the transonic speed range

Static longitudinal and lateral stability parameters of three flared-skirt two-stage missile configurations at a Mach number of 6.86

Static-pressure error calibrations for nose-boom airspeed installations of 17 airplanes

Static longitudinal characteristics at high subsonic speeds of a complete airplane model with a highly tapered wing having the 0.80 chord line unswept and with several tail configurations

Propellant vaporization as a criterion for rocket-engine design : calculations using various log-probability distributions of heptane drops

A study of sprays formed by two impinging jets

Survey of the acoustic near field of three nozzles at a pressure ratio of 30

Survey of microstructures and mechanical properties of over-temperatured S-816 turbine buckets from J47 engines

Systematic two-dimensional cascade tests of NACA 65-series compressor blades at low speeds

Effects of string-support interference on the drag of an olgive-cylinder body with and without a boatail at 0.6 to 1.4 Mach number

Flight investigation of a roll-stabilized missile configuration at varying angles of attack at Mach numbers between 0.8 and 1.79

A flight investigation of area-suction and blowing boundary-layer control on the trailing-edge flaps of a 35 degree swept-wing-carrier-type airplane

Hydrodynamic characteristics over a range of speeds up to 80 feet per second of a rectangular modified flat plate having an aspect ratio of 0.25 and operating at several depths of submersion

Effects of free-stream Reynolds number, engine installation, and model scale on stability characteristics of a translating-spike inlet at Mach 2.0

Investigation of the effects of profile shape on the aerodynamic and structural characteristics of thin, two-dimensional airfoils at supersonic speeds

Flight investigation of pentaborane fuel in rocket boosted 9.75-inch-diameter ramjet engine with convergent-divergent exhaust nozzle

Flight investigation of pentaborane fuel in 9.75-inch-diameter ram-jet engine with downstream fuel injection

Free-flight skin-temperature and surface-pressure measurements on a highly polished nose having a 100 degree total-angle cone and a 10 degree half-angle conical flare section up to a Mach number of 4.08

Screen-type noise reduction devices for ground running of turbojet engines

In-flight gains realized by modifying a twin side-inlet induction system

Investigation at transonic speeds of deflectors and spoilers as gust alleviators on a 35 degree swept wing: transonic bump method

Investigation of 70 percent trimethyl borate 30 percent methyl alcohol fuel mixture in a single J33 combustor and in a J33 turbojet engine

Induced velocities near a lifting rotor with nonuniform disk loading

Investigation at transonic speeds of loading over a 30 degree sweptback wing of aspect ratio 3, taper ratio 0.2, and NACA 65A004 airfoil section mounted on a body

A theoretical and experimental study of boric oxide deposition on a surface immersed in an exhaust gas stream from a jet-engine combustor, including a method of calculating deposition

A theory for the lateral response of airplanes to random atmospheric turbulence

Theoretical and experimental investigations of delta-wing vibrations

The subsonic static aerodynamic characteristics of an airplane model having a triangular wing of aspect ratio 3. II : lateral and directional characteristics

The subsonic static aerodynamic characteristics of an airplane model having a triangular wing of aspect ratio 3. I : effects of horizontal-tail location and size on the longitudinal characteristics

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