Browse TRAIL Inventories

Analytical investigation of fuel-cooled turbine blades with return-flow type of finned coolant passages

Wind-tunnel investigation at low speeds to determine flow-field characteristics and ground influence on a model with jet-augmented flaps

Weight-strength studies of structures representative of fuselage construction

Normal-force and hinge-moment characteristics at transonic speeds of flap-type ailerons at three spanwise locations on a 4-percent-thick sweptback-wing-body model and pressure distribution measurements on an inboard aileron

The erosion of meteors and high-speed vehicles in the upper atmosphere

Basic considerations in the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels with air

Limited heat-transfer, drag, and stability results from an investigation at Mach numbers up to 9 of a large rocket-propelled 10 degree cone

Velocity and friction characteristics of laminar viscous boundary-layer and channel flow over surfaces with ejection or suction

A variational theorem for creep with applications to plates and columns

Thermal relations for two-phase expansion with phase equilibrium and example for combustion products of boron-containing fuel

On flow of electrically conducting fluids over a flat plate in the presence of a transverse magnetic field

Investigation of the compressive strength and creep of 7075-T6 aluminum-alloy plates at elevated temperatures

Investigation of deflectors as gust alleviators on a 0.09-scale model of the Bell X-5 airplane with various wing sweep angles from 20 degrees to 60 degrees at Mach numbers from 0.40 to 0.90

Free-flight investigation to determine some effects of tail damping and wing-tail interference on the rolling effectiveness of ailerons and a spoiler on a modified-delta wing at Mach numbers from 0.6 to 1.5

Material compatibility with gaseous fluorine

Ditching investigations of dynamic models and effects of design parameters on ditching characteristics

Investigation of a 0.6 hub-tip radius-ratio transonic turbine designed for secondary-flow study 3: experimental performance with two stator configurations designed to eliminate blade wakes and secondary-flow effects and conclusions from entire sta

Performance of a supersonic ramp-type side inlet with ram-scoop throat bleed and varying fuselage boundary-layer removal : Mach number range 1.5 to 2.0

Permeability variation of a taper-rolled wire cloth

A phenomenological relation between stress, strain rate, and temperature for metals at elevated temperatures

Investigation at low speeds of deflectors and spoilers as gust alleviators on a model of the Bell X-5 airplane with 35 degree swept wings and on a high-aspect-ratio 35 degree swept-wing-fuselage model

Investigation of conditions for spontaneous ignition and combustion efficiency of pentaborane in a small-scale combustor

Charts for estimating the effects of short-period stability characteristics on airplane vertical-acceleration and pitch-angle response in continuous atmospheric turbulence

Effect of fuselage length and a canopy on the static longitudinal and lateral stability characteristics of 45 degrees sweptback airplane models having fuselages with square cross sections

The effect of body contouring on the longitudinal characteristics at Mach numbers up to 0.92 of a wing-fuselage-tail and several wing-fuselage combinations having sweptback wings of relatively high aspect ratio

Effect of burner design variables on performance of 16-inch diameter ram-jet combustor using gaseous-hydrogen fuel

Fatigue-crack propagation and residual static strength of built-up structures

An investigation of discharge and thrust characteristics of flapped outlets for stream Mach numbers from 0.40 to 1.30

Charts for the analysis of flow in a whirling duct

Investigation of effectiveness of a wing equipped with a 50-percent-chord sliding flap, a 30-percent-chord slotted flap, and a 30-percent-chord slat in deflecting propeller slipstreams downward for vertical take-off

External interference effects of a flow through static-pressure orifices of a NACA airspeed head at a Mach number of 3

Ground simulator studies of the effects of valve friction, stick friction, flexibility, and backlash on power control system quality

Experimental investigation of the simulation of atmospheric entry of ballistic missiles

Effects of airplane flexibility on wing bending strains in rough air

The effects of boundary-layer separation over bodies of revolution with conical tail flares

Effects of airplane flexibility on wing strains in rough air at 5,000 feet as determined by flight tests of a large swept-wing airplane

Effects of blade plan form on free-space oscillating pressures near propellers at flight Mach numbers to 0.72

Free-flight investigation of jet effects at low supersonic Mach numbers on a fighter-type configuration employing a tail-boom assembly: longitudinal stability and trim

Exploratory study of ground proximity effects on thrust of annular and circular nozzles

Results of the flight test of a 0.13-scale rocket-boosted model of the McDonnell F4H-1 airplane between Mach numbers of 0.20 and 1.90: TED No. NACA AD 3115

Flight tests of an automatic interceptor system with a tracking radar modified to minimize the interaction between antenna and interceptor motions

Exploratory investigation of aerodynamic effects of external combustion of aluminum borohydride in airstream adjacent to flat plate in Mach 2.46 tunnel

Full-scale free-jet investigation of a two-shock side-inlet diffuser at Mach 2.75 and a comparison with a single-shock diffuser

Impact-loads investigation of chine-immersed models having concave-convex transverse shape and straight or curved keel lines

Impact-loads investigation of a chine-immersed model having a longitudinally curved bow and a v-bottom with a dead-rise angle of 30 degrees

Heat transfer and boundary-layer transition on two blunt bodies at Mach numbers 3.12

Heat transfer and recovery temperatures on a sphere with laminar, transitional, and turbulent boundary layers at Mach numbers of 2.00 and 4.15

Heat-exchanger-core weights for use with hydrogen expansion turbine

The heat of combustion of tetraethyldiborane

A note on the effect of heat transfer on peak pressure rise associated with separation of turbulent boundary layer on a body of revolution (NACA RM-10) at a Mach number of 1.61

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