Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Weight-strength studies of structures representative of fuselage construction
The erosion of meteors and high-speed vehicles in the upper atmosphere
Basic considerations in the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels with air
A variational theorem for creep with applications to plates and columns
Material compatibility with gaseous fluorine
Permeability variation of a taper-rolled wire cloth
Fatigue-crack propagation and residual static strength of built-up structures
Charts for the analysis of flow in a whirling duct
Experimental investigation of the simulation of atmospheric entry of ballistic missiles
Effects of airplane flexibility on wing bending strains in rough air
The effects of boundary-layer separation over bodies of revolution with conical tail flares
Exploratory study of ground proximity effects on thrust of annular and circular nozzles
Heat transfer and boundary-layer transition on two blunt bodies at Mach numbers 3.12
Heat-exchanger-core weights for use with hydrogen expansion turbine