Browse TRAIL Inventories

Free-flight performance of a rotating-vane-spoiler roll control system with low actuating forces

Hydrodynamic investigation of a model of a supersonic multijet water-based aircraft with engines exhausting from the step

Investigation of an afterburning ramjet using gaseous hydrogen as fuel at Mach number of 3.0

Investigation of an underslung scoop inlet at Mach numbers to 1.99

Investigation of axially symmetric flow over steps at transonic speeds with comparisons of estimated and experimental drag results

Investigation of an underslung normal-wedge inlet at free-stream Mach numbers from 1.50 to 1.99

Cooling performance and structural reliability of a modified corrugated-insert air-cooled turbine blade with an integrally cast shell and base

Static strength of cross-grain 7075-T6 aluminum-alloy extruded bar containing fatigue cracks

Effect of spanwise variations in gust intensity on the lift due to atmospheric turbulence

A collection of data for zero-lift damping in roll of wing-body combinations as determined with rocket-powered models equipped with roll-torque nozzles

Effects of conical camber on the lift, drag, and pitching-moment characteristics of a triangular wing of aspect ratio 3.0

Effects of extreme surface cooling on boundary-layer transition

A comparison of typical National Gas Turbine Establishment and NACA axial-flow compressor blade sections in cascade at low speed

Effect of interstage bleed on rotating stall and blade vibration in a 13-stage axial-flow compressor in a turbojet engine

The design and cascade tests of free-streamline and full-contour 160 degrees turning supersonic-turbine-blade sections

Design and experimental investigation of a single-stage turbine with a downstream stator

Design and test of mixed-flow impellers 8: comparison of experimental results for three impellers with shroud redesigned by rapid approximate method

The interrelated effects of engine rotor momentum and flight regime on the dynamic stability of high-performance aircraft

Effects of vertical location of wing and horizontal tail on the aerodynamic characteristics in pitch at Mach numbers from 0.60 to 1.40 of an airplane configuration with an unswept wing

Effects of wing-mounted external stores on the longitudinal and lateral handing qualities of the Douglas D-558-II research airplane

Effects of wing warp on the lift, drag, and static longitudinal stability characteristics of an aircraft configuration having an arrow wing of aspect ratio 1.86 at Mach numbers from 1.1 to 1.7

Analysis of shock motion in ducts during disturbances in downstream pressure

A hydrogen peroxide turbojet-engine simulator for wing-tunnel powered-model investigations

Experimental investigation of dynamic relations in a 48-inch ram-jet engine

The application of matrix methods to coordinate transformations occurring in systems studies involving large motions of aircraft

An analog computer study of several stability augmentation schemes designed to alleviate roll-induced instability

Application of obliquely mounted strain gage to measurement of residual stresses in disks

A balanced-pressure sliding seal used for transfer of pressurized air between stationary and rotating parts

Base pressure at supersonic speeds on two-dimensional airfoils and on bodies of revolution with and without fins having turbulent boundary layers

Investigation of semivaneless turbine stator designed to produce axially symmetrical free-vortex flow

Investigation of a 0.6 hub-tip radius-ratio transonic turbine designed for secondary-flow study 2: design and experimental performance of turbine with low-velocity-turning stator and standard rotor

Jet effects on base pressures of conical afterbodies at Mach 1.91 and 3.12

Static longitudinal and lateral stability characteristics at low speed of 45 degree sweptback-midwing models having wings with an aspect ratio of 2, 4, or 6

Wind-tunnel investigation of external-flow jet-augmented double slotted flaps on a rectangular wing at an angle of attack of 0 degree to high momentum coefficients

Wind-tunnel investigation of effect of propeller slipstreams on aerodynamic characteristics of a wing equipped with a 50-percent-chord sliding flap and a 30-percent-chord slotted flap

Wind-tunnel investigation of effects of ground proximity and of split flaps on the lateral stability derivatives of a 60 degree delta-wing model oscillating in yaw

Some experiments at high supersonic speeds on the aerodynamic and boundary-layer transition characteristics of high-drag bodies of revolution

Investigation of boundary-layer transition on flat-faced bodies of revolution at high supersonic speeds

Performance comparison at Mach numbers 1.8 and 2.0 of full-scale and quarter-scale translating-spike inlets

Analysis of two-stage-turbine efficiency characteristics in terms of work and speed requirements

Analysis of efficiency characteristics of a single-stage turbine with downstream stators in terms of work and speed requirements

Investigation of a supersonic-inlet - turbojet-engine combination at Mach 2.0 and angles of attack up to 6 degrees

Use of main-inlet bypass to supply ejector exhaust nozzle at supersonic speeds

Approximate analysis of effects of large deflections and initial twist on torsional stiffness of a cantilever plate subjected to thermal stresses

Approximate analysis of effects of large deflections and initial twist on torsional stiffness of a cantilever plate subjected to thermal stresses

Use of constant diffuser Mach number as a control parameter for variable-geometry inlets at Mach numbers of 1.8 to 2.0

Effect of ambient-temperature variation on the matching requirements of inlet-engine combinations at supersonic speeds

A review of NACA research through 1954 on boron compounds as fuels for jet aircraft (Project Zip)

A reexamination of the use of simple concepts for predicting the shape and location of detached shock waves

Analysis of coolant flow and pressure requirements for a return-flow turbine rotor blade design using hydrogen, helium, or air as coolant

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