Browse TRAIL Inventories

Nonmetallic Material Compatibility with Liquid Fluorine

Nonuniformities in shock-tube flow due to unsteady-boundary-layer action

Noise survey of a full-scale supersonic turbine-driven propeller under static conditions

The use of a leading-edge area-suction flap and leading-edge modifications to improve the high-lift characteristics of an airplane model with a wing of 45 degree sweep and aspect ratio 2.8

Investigation of mass-flow and pressure recovery characteristics of several underslung scoop-type inlets at free-stream Mach numbers of 2.0, 1.8, 1.5, and 0.66

Preliminary evaluation of pentaborane in a 1/4-sector of an experimental annular combustor

Problem of slip flow in aerodynamics

Preliminary indications of the cooling achieved by ejecting water upstream from the stagnation point of hemispherical, 80 degree conical, and flat-faced nose shapes at a stagnation temperature of 4,000 F

Pressure distribution induced on a flat plate by a supersonic and sonic jet exhaust at a free-stream Mach number of 1.80

Relation of currently estimated ANP performance to required ANP performance

Lift and moment responses to penetration of sharp-edged traveling gusts, with application to penetration of weak blast waves

Lateral-directional aerodynamic characteristics of several coplanar triple-body missile configurations at Mach numbers from 0.6 to 1.4

Leading-edge contours for thin swept wings : an analysis of low-and high-speed data

Loads implications of gust-alleviation systems

Longitudinal and lateral stability and control characteristics of two canard airplane configurations at Mach numbers of 1.41 and 2.01

Low-speed experimental investigation of the magnus effect on various sections of a body of revolution with and without a propeller

Measurement of static pressure on aircraft

Measurement of aerodynamic forces for various mean angles of attack on an airfoil oscillating in pitch and on two finite-span wings oscillating in bending with emphasis on damping in the stall

The measurement of pressure altitude on aircraft

The minimization of wave drag for wings and bodies with given base area or volume

Investigation of combustion in 16-inch ram jet under simulated conditions of high altitude and high Mach number

Flight and analytical methods for determining the coupled vibration response of tandem helicopters

Effects of Inlet Modification and Rocket-Rack Extension on the Longitudinal Trim and Low-Lift Drag of the Douglas F5D-1 Airplane as Obtained with a 0.125-Scale Rocket-Boosted Model Between Mach Numbers of 0.81 and 1.64: TED No. NACA AD 399

Near Noise Field of a Jet-Engine Exhaust

Effects of Inlet Modification and Rocket-Rack Extension on the Longitudinal Trim and Low-Lift Drag of the Douglas F5D-1 Airplane as Obtained with a 0.125-Scale Rocket-Boosted Model between Mach Numbers of 0.81 and 1.64, TED No. NACA AD 399

Determination of longitudinal stability and control characteristics from free-flight model tests with results at transonic speeds for three airplane configurations

An investigation of single- and dual-rotation propellers at positive and negative thrust, and in combination with an NACA 1-series D-type cowling at Mach numbers up to 0.84

Experimental and predicted longitudinal and lateral-directional response characteristics of a large flexible 35 degree swept-wing airplane at an altitude of 35,000 feet

Determination of vortex paths by series expansion technique with application to cruciform wings

Practical solution of plastic deformation problems in elastic-plastic range

Rupture strength of several nickel-base alloys in sheet form

NACA 65-series compressor rotor performance with varying annulus-area ratio, solidity, blade angle, and Reynolds number and comparison with cascade results

Performance and operational characteristics of pentaborane fuel in 48-inch-diameter ram-jet engine

Perforated sheets as the porous material for a suction-flap application

Motion of a ballistic missile angularly misaligned with the flight path upon entering the atmosphere and its effect upon aerodynamic heating, aerodynamic loads, and miss distance

A rapid method for predicting attached-shock shape

Reaction of fluorine with carbon as a means of fluorine disposal

Some data on body and jet reaction controls

Some characteristics of roll controls having possible application to fin-stabilized ammunition

Performance evaluation of reduced-chord rotor blading as applied to J73 two-stage turbine II : over-all performance at inlet conditions of 35 inches of mercury absolute and 700 R

Performance evaluation of reduced-chord rotor blading as applied to J73 two-stage turbine V : effect of inlet pressure on over-all performance at design speed and inlet temperature of 700 R

Performance evaluation of reduced-chord rotor blading as applied to J73 two-stage turbine IV : over-all performance of first-stage turbine with reduced-chord rotor blades at inlet conditions of 35 inches of mercury absolute and 700 R

Performance of 110-millimeter-bore M-1 tool steel ball bearings at high speeds, loads, and temperatures

Performance evaluation of reduced-chord rotor blading as applied to J73 two-stage turbine : over-all performance with standard rotor blading at inlet conditions of 35 inches of mercury absolute and 700 R

A preliminary investigation of methods for improving the pressure recovery characteristics of variable-geometry supersonic-subsonic diffuser systems

Preliminary investigation of combustion of diborane in a turbojet combustor

Preliminary investigation of propane combustion in a 3-inch-diameter duct of inlet-air temperatures of 1400 to 1600 F

Pressure losses of titanium and magnesium slurries in pipes and pipeline transitions

Atmospheric temperature observations to 100,000 feet for several climatological regions of the Northern Hemisphere

Analyses for turbojet thrust augmentation with fuel-rich afterburning of hydrogen, diborane, and hydrazine

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