Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Nonmetallic Material Compatibility with Liquid Fluorine
Nonuniformities in shock-tube flow due to unsteady-boundary-layer action
Noise survey of a full-scale supersonic turbine-driven propeller under static conditions
Preliminary evaluation of pentaborane in a 1/4-sector of an experimental annular combustor
Problem of slip flow in aerodynamics
Relation of currently estimated ANP performance to required ANP performance
Leading-edge contours for thin swept wings : an analysis of low-and high-speed data
Loads implications of gust-alleviation systems
Measurement of static pressure on aircraft
The measurement of pressure altitude on aircraft
The minimization of wave drag for wings and bodies with given base area or volume
Flight and analytical methods for determining the coupled vibration response of tandem helicopters
Near Noise Field of a Jet-Engine Exhaust
Determination of vortex paths by series expansion technique with application to cruciform wings
Practical solution of plastic deformation problems in elastic-plastic range
Rupture strength of several nickel-base alloys in sheet form
Performance and operational characteristics of pentaborane fuel in 48-inch-diameter ram-jet engine
Perforated sheets as the porous material for a suction-flap application
A rapid method for predicting attached-shock shape
Reaction of fluorine with carbon as a means of fluorine disposal
Some data on body and jet reaction controls
Some characteristics of roll controls having possible application to fin-stabilized ammunition
Preliminary investigation of combustion of diborane in a turbojet combustor
Pressure losses of titanium and magnesium slurries in pipes and pipeline transitions