Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Theoretical rocket performance of JP-4 fuel with mixtures of liquid ozone and fluorine
Investigation of the planing lift of a flat plate at speeds up to 170 feet per second
Effect of bluntness on transition for a cone and a hollow cylinder at Mach 3.1
Performance of an experimental annular turbojet combustor with methane and propane
Design and performance of flight-type liquid-hydrogen heat exchanger
Altitude free-jet investigation of dynamics of a 28-inch-diameter ram-jet engine
Altitude chamber evaluation of an aircraft liquid hydrogen fuel system used with a turbojet engine
Reaction of fluorine with carbon as a means of fluorine disposal
Investigation of Heat Transfer from a Stationary and Rotating Conical Forebody
Experimental Droplet Impingement on Four Bodies of Revolution
Effects of Some Configuration Changes on Afterburner Combustion Performance
An Investigation at Low Speed of the Spin Instability of Mortar-Shell Tails
Summary of scale-model thrust-reverser investigation
Heat of Combustion of the Product Formed by the Reaction of Acetylene and Diborane (LFPL-CZ-3)
Minimum wave drag for arbitrary arrangements of wings and bodies
Seat Design for Crash Worthiness
Some effects of bluntness on boundary-layer transition and heat transfer at supersonic speeds
Three-dimensional transonic flow theory applied to slender wings and bodies
A variational theorem for creep with applications to plates and columns
Extended operation of turbojet engine with pentaborane
Cloud-droplet ingestion in engine inlets with inlet velocity ratios of 1.0 and 0.7