Browse TRAIL Inventories

Investigation of an asymmetric "penshape" exit having circular projections and discharging into quiescent air

A method for determining core dimensions of heat exchanger with one dominating film resistance and verification with experimental data

An inlet design concept to reduce flow distortion at angle of attack

Comparison of results of experimental and theoretical studies of blade-outlet boundary-layer characteristics of stator blade for a high subsonic Mach number turbine

Evaluation of the use of electrical resistance for detecting overtemperatured S-816 turbine blades

Survey of hydrogen combustion properties

Analytical study of the equilibrium thickness of boric oxide deposits on jet-engine surfaces

Airplane motions and loads induced by flying through the flow field generated by an airplane at low supersonic speeds

Transonic wind-tunnel investigation of aerodynamic-loading characteristics of a 2-percent-thick trapezoidal wing in combination with basic and indented bodies

Wind-tunnel investigation of effects of ventral fins at two positions on lateral-stability derivatives of 45©� high-wing model oscillating in yaw

Flight investigation of a small side-located control stick used with electronic control systems in a fighter airplane

Preliminary results from a free-flight investigation of boundary-layer transition and heat transfer on a highly polished 8-inch-diameter hemisphere-cylinder at Mach numbers up to 3 and Reynolds numbers based on a length of 1 foot up to 17.7 x 10⁶

Heat transfer to bodies at angles of attack

Steady loads due to jet interference on wings, tails, and fuselages at transonic speeds

Characteristics of the Nike-Cajun (CAN) rocket system and flight investigation of its performance

Effects of wing inboard plan-form modifications on lift, drag, and longitudinal stability at Mach numbers from 1.0 to 2.3 of a rocket-propelled free-flight model with a 52.5 degree sweptback wing of aspect ratio 3

Wind-tunnel investigation of the effect of aspect ratio and chordwise location on effectiveness of spoiler-slot-deflector controls on thin untapered winds at transonic speeds

Flight investigation of a ram jet burning magnesium slurry fuel and having a conical shock inlet designed for a Mach number of 4.1

Investigation of transonic flutter characteristics of a thin 10 degree sweptback wing having an aspect ratio of 4 and a taper ratio of 0.6

Flutter at very high speeds

Effects on adjacent surfaces from the firing of rocket jets

Span loadings due to wing twist at transonic and supersonic speeds

Investigation at Mach numbers from 0.80 to 1.43 of pressure and load distributions over a thin 45©� sweptback highly tapered wing in combination with basic and indented bodies

Aerodynamic characteristics of a spoiler-slot-deflector control on a 45©� sweptback wing at Mach numbers of 1.61 and 2.01

Experimental determination of damping in pitch of swept and delta wings at supersonic Mach numbers

Investigation of the aerodynamic characteristics in pitch and sideslip of a 45©� swept-wing airplane configuration with various vertical locations of the wing and horizontal tail.Static lateral and directional stability; Mach numbers of 1.41 and 2.01

Theoretical rocket performance of JP-4 fuel with several fluorine-oxygen mixtures assuming frozen composition

Preliminary investigation of shield to improve angle-of-attack performance of nacelle-type inlet

Flight measurements of airplane structural temperatures at supersonic speeds

Stability of two rocket-propelled models having aspect-ratio-5 unswept tails on a long body for the Mach number range of 1.7 to 2.4

Summary of 65-Series Compressor-Blade Low-Speed Cascade Data by Use of the Carpet-Plotting Technique

Experimental Investigation of Vibratory Stresses in a Concentric-Ring Direct-Air-Cycle Nuclear Fuel Element

Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 0.04956-Scale Model of the Convair TF-102A Airplane at Transonic Speeds, Coord. No. AF-120

Preliminary Internal Performance Data for a Variable-Ejector Assembly on the XJ79-GE-1 Turbojet Engine, II, Afterburning Configurations

Turbulence in the Wake of a Thin Airfoil at Low Speeds

Blow-Out Velocities of Solutions of Hydrocarbons and Boron Hydride - Hydrocarbon Reaction Products in a 1 7/8-Inch-Diameter Combustor

A Fuselage Addition to Delay Drag-Rise Mach Number of Subsonic Airplanes at Lifting Conditions

Surge-Inception Study in a Two-Spool Turbojet Engine, Revised

Free-flight investigation at transonic speeds of the power-on characteristics including some effects of sonic propulsive jets of a four-engine delta-wing configuration

Free-flight investigation of comparative zero-lift rolling effectiveness of a leading edge and a trailing edge air-jet spoiler on an unswept wing

Tensile properties of Inconel X sheet under rapid-heating and constant-temperature conditions

Tensile stress-strain properties of 17-7 PH and AM 350 stainless-steel sheet at elevated temperatures

Chemical igniters for starting jet fuel - nitric acid rockets

A simplified method for assessing the effect of steady rolling on angle of attack and sideslip

A theoretical and experimental study of planing surfaces including effects of cross section and plan form

On possible similarity solutions for three-dimensional incompressible laminar boundary layers 3: similarity with respect to stationary polar coordinates for small angle variation

An investigation at low speed of the flow over a simulated flat plate at small angles of attack using pitot-static and hot-wire probes

A correlation of low-speed, airfoil-section stalling characteristics with Reynolds number and airfoil geometry

Cascade investigation of a related series of 6-percent-thick guide-vane profiles and design charts

Basic performance characteristics of several subsonic-diffuser-bypass-duct combinations for use with supersonic inlets

Published Year



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