Browse TRAIL Inventories

Elevated-Temperature Fatigue Properties of Two Titanium Alloys

Effects of a Straightening Operation on Performance of Inconel 550 Buckets

Effects of Rocket-Armament Exhaust Gas on the Performance of a Supersonic-Inlet J34-Turbojet-Engine Installation at Mach 2.0

Effect of Inlet-Guide-Vane Angle on Blade Vibration and Rotating Stall of 13-Stage Axial-Flow Compressor in Turbojet Engine

Effect of Inlet-Guide-Vane Angle on Performance Characteristics of a 13-Stage Axial-Flow Compressor in a Turbojet Engine

The Effect of Trailing-Edge Bluntness on the Performance of a Small-Scale Supersonic Propeller at Forward Mach Numbers to 0.92

Experimental Evaluation of Gaseous Hydrocarbon Fuel in a 16-Inch-Diameter Ram-Jet Engine

The Effect of External Stiffening Ribs on the Rolling Power of Ailerons on a Swept Wing

Determination of the Structural Damping Coefficients of Six Full-Scale Helicopter Rotor Blades of Different Materials and Methods of Construction

Dynamic Model Investigation of Two Tail-Sitter Vertically Rising Airplanes to Determine the Altitude Required to Approach Normal Flight Conditions Under Power Failure in Hovering Flight

Analysis of a Form of Peak Holding Control

Combined Effects of Wing Taper and Low Horizontal-Tail Position on Longitudinal Stability of a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing-Body Combination at Transonic Speeds

Comparison With Theory of Landing Impacts of a Model of a Seaplane Incorporating a Hydro-Ski With and Without a Shock Absorber

The Design of Brittle-Material Blade Roots Based on Theory and Rupture Tests of Plastic Models

Boundaries of Supersonic Axisymmetric Free Jets

Blowing Over the Flaps and Wing Leading Edge of a Thin 49 Degree Swept Wing-Body-Tail Configuration in Combination With Leading-Edge Devices

A Brief Summary of Experience in Boosting Aerodynamic Research Models

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Interference Effects during Separation of a 1/40-Scale Model Convair B-58 Airplane and Store at Mach Numbers of 1.41, 1.61, and 2.01

Aerodynamic Design of Axial-Flow Compressors, Volume 2

Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 0.04956-Scale Model of the Convair F-102B Airplane at Mach Numbers of 1.41, 1.61, and 2.01: Coord No. AF-231

Analysis of Wind-Tunnel Tests to a Mach Number of 0.90 of a Four-Engine Propeller-Driven Airplane Configuration Having a Wing With 40 Degrees of Sweepback and an Aspect Ratio of 10

Aerodynamic Loads on an External Store Adjacent to an Unswept Wing at Mach Numbers Between 0.75 and 1.96

Longitudinal Stability Investigation for a Mach Number Range of 0.8 to 1.7 of an Airplane Configuration With a 45 Degree Swept Wing and a Low Horizontal Tail

Measurements of Aerodynamic Heat Transfer and Boundary-Layer Transition on a 15 Degree Cone in Free Flight at Supersonic Mach Numbers Up to 5.2

Method for Calculating Effects of Dissociation on Flow Variables in the Relaxation Zone Behind Normal Shock Waves

Longitudinal Stability Characteristics of a Simple Infrared Homing Missile Configuration at Mach Numbers of 0.7 to 1.4

Investigation of Jet Effects on a Flat Surface Downstream of the Exit of a Simulated Turbojet Nacelle at a Free-Stream Mach Number of 1.39

Annual Report of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (40th). Administrative Report Including Technical Report Nos. 1158-1209

Longitudinal and Lateral Stability Characteristics of a 0.04-Scale Model of the Lockheed F-104A Airplane at Mach Numbers of 1.82 and 2.01. Coord. No. AF-245

Component Performance Investigation of J71 Experimental Turbine 2 - Internal-Flow Conditions with 97-Percent-Design Stator Areas

Component Performance Investigation of J71 Experimental Turbine 4 - Effect of First-Stator Adjustment; Over-All Performance of J71-97 Turbine With 132-Percent-Design Stator Area

Component Performance Investigation of J71 Experimental Turbine 3 - Effect of Third-Stage Shrouding on Over-All Performance

Aeroelastic Problems of Airplane Design

Altitude Acceleration Investigation of the RA-14 Avon Turbojet Engine

Flight Investigation to Determine the Effect of Jet Exhaust on Drag, Trim Characteristics, and Afterbody Pressures of a 0.125-Scale Rocket Model of the McDonnell F-101A Airplane

On the Instability of Methods for the Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations

Tests to Determine the Adhesive Power of Passenger-Car Tires

Flow of Gas Through Turbine Lattices

Adaptation of Combustion Principles to Aircraft Propulsion Volume 2: Combustion in Air-Breathing Jet Engines

The Aerodynamic Characteristics in Pitch of a 1/15-Scale Model of the Grumman F11F-1 Airplane at Mach Numbers of 1.41, 1.61, and 2.01, TED No. NACA DE 390

Safeguards Against Flutter of Airplanes

Free-Spinning and Recovery Characteristics of a 1/19-Scale Model of the North American T-28C Airplane, TED No. NACA AD 3127

Effects of Intermittent Versus Continuous Heating upon the Tensile Properties of 2024-T4, 6061-T6 and 7075-T6 Alloys

Finite Span Wings in Compressible Flow

Flat Plate Cascades at Supersonic Speed

On the Contribution of Turbulent Boundary Layers to the Noise Inside a Fuselage

Effects of wing-tip droop on the longitudinal characteristics of two highly swept wing-body combinations at Mach numbers from 0.6 to 1.4

A buffet investigation at high subsonic speeds of wing-fuselage-tail combinations having sweptback wings with NACA 64A thickness distributions, fences, a leading-edge extension, and body contouring

A study of liquid boric oxide particle growth rates in a gas stream from a simulated jet engine combustor

Theoretical analysis of total-pressure loss and airflow distribution for tubular turbojet combustors with constant annulus and liner cross-sectional areas

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