Browse TRAIL Inventories

Determination of Propeller Deflection by Means of Static Load Tests on Models

Helium Tables

Pressure distribution on wing ribs of the VE-7 and TS airplanes in flight Part 2: pull-ups

Drag of exposed fittings and surface irregularities on airplane fuselages

Resistance of streamline wires

A Comparison of Propeller and Centrifugal Fans for Circulating the Air in a Wind Tunnel

An automatic speed control for wind tunnels

The 1926 German Seaplane Contest

The Performance of Several Combustion Chambers Designed for Aircraft Oil Engines

Propeller Problems

Windmills in the Light of Modern Research

Annual Report of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (13th). Administrative Report Including Technical Reports Nos. 257 to 282

Differential Pressures on a Pitot-Venturi and a Pitot-Static Nozzle Over 360 Degrees Pitch and Yaw

Considerations on Propeller Efficiency

Fire prevention on airplanes. Part I

Fire prevention on airplanes. Part II

Airplane drag

Analysis of flight and wind-tunnel tests on Udet airplanes with reference to spinning characteristics

Technical report of the 1928 Rhon soaring-flight contest

Nieuport-Delage 640 (French) : commercial high-wing monoplane

The effect of cowling on cylinder temperatures and performance of a Wright J-5 engine

The Blackburn "Bluebird" Mark IV (British) all-metal biplane

The Bernard 20 C.1 (French) : a single-seat pursuit monoplane

An investigation of the aerodynamic characteristics of an airplane equipped with several different sets of wings

An investigation of the use of discharge valves and an intake control for improving the performance of N.A.C.A. Roots type supercharger

Aerodynamic theory and tests of strut forms. Part II

Theories of flow similitude

Forces on elliptic cylinders in uniform air stream

Reduction of observed airplane performance to standard conditions

The variation in engine power with altitude determined from measurements in flight with a hub dynamometer

Investigation of damping liquids for aircraft instruments

Impact waves and detonation. Part II

The comparative performance of Roots type aircraft engine superchargers as affected by change in impeller speed and displacement

The Analysis of Aircraft Structures as Space Frameworks. Method Based on the Forces in the Longitudinal Members

Effect of variation of chord and span of ailerons on rolling and yawing moments at several angles of pitch

Two practical methods for the calculation of the horizontal tail area necessary for a statically stable airplane

Cantilever Wings for Modern Aircraft: Some Aspects of Cantilever Wing Construction with Special Reference to Weight and Torsional Stiffness

Effect of Stressed Covering on Strength of Internal Girders of a Wing

Effect of Intake Pipe on the Volumetric Efficiency of an Internal Combustion Engine

Technical Details in the Structural Development of Rohrbach Seaplanes

Investigation of the Effect of the Fuselage on the Wing of a Low-Wing Monoplane

"Safety" Fuels for Aircraft Engines

The Fairey III.F (British): A General Purpose Biplane

Photogrammetric Take-Off and Landing Measurements

The Parnall "Pipit" (British): A Single-Seat Ship's Fighter

Device for the Automatic Control of Airplanes

Materials and Methods of Construction in Light Structures

Metal Construction Development Part 3: Strip Metal Construction - Wing Ribs

Metal Construction Development Part 2: Strip Metal Construction - Wing Spars

Albessard "Triavion" Airplane (French): A Two-Seat Tandem Monoplane

Published Year



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