Browse TRAIL Inventories

Wind Tunnel Investigation at High Subsonic Speeds of Drag at 0 Degrees Angle of Attack of Swept-Wing Fuselage Models With Pylon Mounted and Semisubmerged Missiles

Wind Tunnel Investigation at Low Speed of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Army Chemical Corps Model E-112 Bomblets with Span Chord Ratio of 2 - 1

An Airborne Simulator Investigation of the Accuracy of an Optical Track Command Missile Guidance System

Tests With Hydrogen Fuel in a Simulated Afterburner

Thermal Stability of Decaborane and of a Commercial Ethyl Decaborane (HEF-3) in the Range 202 Degrees to 252 Degrees C

An Oil-Stream Photomicrographic Aeroscope for Obtaining Cloud Liquid-Water Content and Droplet Size Distributions in Flight

Experimental Droplet Impingement on Several Two-Dimensional Airfoils with Thickness Ratios of 6 to 16 Percent

Drag at Model Trim Lift of a 1/15-Scale Convair B-58 Supersonic Bomber

Low-Speed Investigation of the Effect of Small Canard Surfaces on the Directional Stability of a Sweptback-Wing Fighter-Airplane Model

Pressure Distributions and Aerodynamic Characteristics of Several Spoiler-type Controls on a Trapezoidal Wing at Mach Numbers of 1.61 and 2.01

Presentation on Facility Problems in High-Temperature Structures Research

Effect of Combustion Gas Properties on Turbojet-Engine Performance With Hydrogen as Fuel

Experimental Investigation of a High Subsonic Mach Number Turbine Having High Rotor Blade Suction-Surface Diffusion

Force and Pressure-Distribution Investigation to High Angles of Attack on All-Movable Triangular and Rectangular Wings in Combination With a Body at Supersonic Speeds

Full-Scale Wind-Tunnel Tests of a 35 Degree Swept-Wing Fighter Airplane With a Spoiler-Slot-Deflector Lateral Control System

Full-Scale Evaluation of Some Flameholder Design Concepts for High-Inlet-Velocity Afterburners

The Origin and Distribution of Supsonic Store Interference From Measurement of Individual Forces on Several Wing-Fuselage-Store Configurations 5 - Swept-Wing Heavy-Bomber Configuration With Large Store (Nacelle). Mach Number, 2.01

The Origin and Distribution of Supersonic Store Interference From Measurement of Individual Forces on Several Wing-Fuselagestore Configurations 6. - Swept-Wing Heavy-Bomber Configuration With Stores of Different Sizes and Shapes

Low-Speed Roll Effectiveness of a Differentially Deflected Horizontal-Tail Surface on a 42 Degree Swept-Wing Model

Minimum Drag of Four Versions of a Swept-Wing Fighter Airplane Obtained From Flight Tests of Rocket-Boosted Models at Mach Numbers From 0.81 to 1.71

Performance at Simulated High Altitudes of a Prevaporizing Annular Turbojet Combustor Having Low Pressure Loss

Performance of a Short Turbojet Combustor With Hydrogen Fuel in a Quarter-Annulus Duct and Comparison With Performance in a Full-Scale Engine

Transonic Aerodynamic and Trim Characteristics of a Multi-Engine Delta-Wing Airplane Model

Compilation and Analysis of U.S. Turbojet and Ram-Jet Engine Characteristics

Aerodynamic Loads on an External Store Adjacent to an Unswept Wing at Mach Numbers Between 0.75 and 1.96

Aerodynamic Loads on an External Store Adjacent to a 60 Degree Delta Wing at Mach Numbers From 0.75 to 1.96

Afterburner Performance With Combustion-Chamber Lengths From 10 to 62 Inches at Several Afterburner-Inlet Temperatures

Wing-Body Combinations With Wings of Very Low Aspect Ratio at Supersonic Speeds

The Appearance of a Boric Oxide Exhaust Cloud From a Turbojet Engine Operating on Trimethylborate Fuel

Investigation of Drag and Static Longitudinal and Lateral Stability Characteristics of a 1/15-Scale Model of the Grumman F11F-1F Airplane at Mach Numbers of 1.56, 1.76, 2.06, and 2.53

Longitudinal Aerodynamic Characteristics of Various Configurations of a Revised 1/22-Scale Model of the Republic F-105 Airplane at Mach Numbers of 1.41 and 2.01

An Investigation of the Afterbody Pressure Distribution and Fin Loading Characteristics of a Specialized Store Configuration at Transonic Speeds

An Investigation of Ejection Releases of Submerged and Semisubmerged Dynamically Scaled Stores From a Simulated Bomb Bay of a Fighter-Bomber Airplane at Supersonic Speeds

Investigation of Ejection Release Characteristics of Four Dynamically Scaled Internal-Store Shapes From a 1/17-Scale Simulated Bomb Bay of the Republic F-105 Airplane at Mach Numbers of 1.39 and 1.98

Tabulated Pressure Data for a Series of Controls on a 60 Degree Delta Wing at Mach Numbers of 1.61 and 2.01

Investigation of Afterburner Combustion Screech and Methods of Its Control at High Combustor Pressure Levels

Attenuation of Tangential-Pressure Oscillations in a Liquid-Oxygen-n-Heptane Rocket Engine With Longitudinal Fins

Simulated Flight Investigation of Scaled-Speed Elastic Sweptwing Bomber and Fighter Models Coupled Wing Tip to Wing Tip

Some Design and Operational Considerations of a Liquid-Hydrogen Fuel and Heat-Sink System for Turbojet-Engine Tests

Some Interference Effects That Influence Vertical-Tail Loads at Supersonic Speeds

Static Lateral-Directional Stability Characteristics of Five Contemporary Airplane Models From Wind-Tunnel Tests at High Subsonic and Supersonic Speeds

Pressure Distributions at Mach Numbers of 1.6 and 1.9 of a Conically Cambered Wing of Triangular Plan Form With and Without Pylon-Mounted Engine Nacelles

Some Considerations Regarding the Application of the Supersonic Area Rule to the Design of Airplane Fuselages

A Summary of Results Obtained During Flight Simulation of Several Aircraft Prototypes With Variable-Stability Airplanes

Summary of Subsonic-Diffuser Data

Full-Scale Wind-Tunnel Tests of a North American FJ-3 Airplane with a Spoiler-Slot-Deflector Lateral Control System

Flight Test of a Solid-Fuel Ramjet With the Internal Surface of the Combustor Air Cooled

Flutter Tests of a 1/25-Scale Model of the B-36J/RF-84F Tip-Coupled Airplane Configuration in the Langley 19-Foot Pressure Tunnel

Investigation of a 1/22-Scale of the Republic F-105 Airplane in the Langley 8-Foot Transonic Tunnel: Static Longitudinal Stability and Control and Performance Characteristics at Transonic Speeds

Annual Report of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (42nd): Administrative Report without Technical Reports

Published Year



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