Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
A simple method for calculating the characteristics of the Dutch roll motion of an airplane
Some interference effects that influence vertical-tail loads at supersonic speeds
A study of fuel-nitric acid reactivity
A study of a symmetrical, circular, internal, compression inlet
A simulation study of a wingless missile
Proposed initiating system for crash-fire prevention systems
Relation of turbojet propulsion system development to the strategic bomber mission
Summary of Scale-model thrust-reverser investigation
Section characteristics of the NACA 0006 airfoil with leading-edge and trailing-edge flaps
Study of size effect in sheet-stringer panels
A horizontal-tail arrangement for counteracting static longitudinal instability of sweptback wings
Summary of derived gust velocities obtained from measurements within thunderstorms
Thermal decomposition of ethylpentaborane in gas phase
Aerodynamic principles for the design of jet-engine induction systems
Theoretical pressure distributions for some slender wing-body combinations at zero lift
Wind-tunnel investigation of jet-augmented flaps on a rectangular wing to high momentum coefficients
Altitude performance of J71-A-2(600-D1) turbojet engine
Altitude performance evaluation of J71-A-11 turbojet engine
Turbulent shear spectra and local isotropy in the low-speed boundary layer