Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Performance characteristics of ring-cascade-type thrust reversers
Performance of a short combustor at high altitudes using hydrogen fuel
Effects of a J34 turbojet engine on supersonic diffuser performance
Charts for estimating the hovering endurance of a helicopter
Discharge coefficients for combustor-liner air-entry holes
Distribution of losses behind a compressor rotor as measured by a rotating rake
Fatigue crack propagation in severely notched bars
Factors affecting flow distortions produced by supersonic inlets
Tests with hydrogen fuel in a simulated afterburner
A theoretical analysis of heat transfer in regions of separated flow
Effect of camber on the drag of a body of revolution
Evaporation of JP-5 fuel sprays in air streams
Heat-transfer measurements on two bodies of revolution at a Mach number of 3.12
Use of effective momentum thickness in describing turbine rotor-blade losses
On the permeability of porous materials
Distribution of normal component of induced velocity in lateral plane of a lifting rotor
Correlation of creep-buckling tests with theory
Drag coefficients for droplets and solid spheres in clouds accelerating in airstreams
Drag at model trim lift of a 1/15-scale Convair B-58 supersonic bomber
The use of perforated inlets for efficient supersonic diffusion
Aerodynamic control of supersonic inlets for optimum performance
Calculated reactivity of uranyl-fluoride - water criticality experiments