Browse TRAIL Inventories

Gas-to-blade heat-transfer coefficients and turbine heat-rejection rates for a range of one-spool cooled-turbine engine designs

Performance characteristics of ring-cascade-type thrust reversers

Performance of a short combustor at high altitudes using hydrogen fuel

Investigation at high subsonic speeds of some effects of sideslip on the aerodynamic loads on finned and unfinned bodies mounted from the wing of a swept-wing-fuselage model

Investigation at high subsonic speeds of the static lateral and directional stability and tail-loads characteristics of a model having a highly tapered swept wing of aspect ratio 3 and two horizontal-tail positions

Investigation at high subsonic speeds of a body-contouring method for alleviating the adverse interference at the root of a sweptback wing

Effect of fuselage circumferential inlet location on diffuser-discharge total-pressure profiles at supersonic speeds

Effect of three design parameters on the operating characteristics of 75-millimeter-bore cylindrical roller bearings at high speeds

The effects at a Mach number of 6.86 of drag brakes on the lift, drag, and pitching moment of an ogive cylinder

Effects of a J34 turbojet engine on supersonic diffuser performance

Charts for estimating the hovering endurance of a helicopter

Discharge coefficients for combustor-liner air-entry holes

Distribution of losses behind a compressor rotor as measured by a rotating rake

Fatigue crack propagation in severely notched bars

Factors affecting flow distortions produced by supersonic inlets

Fatigue-crack-propagation and residual-static-strength results on full-scale transport-airplane wings

Tests with hydrogen fuel in a simulated afterburner

An experimental study of the zero-angle-of attack transonic drag associated with the vertical position of a horizontal tail at zero incidence

Some experiments relating to the problem of simulation of hot jet engines in studies of jet effects on adjacent surfaces at a free-stream Mach number of 1.80

A theoretical analysis of heat transfer in regions of separated flow

The effects of blowing over various trailing-edge flaps on an NACA 0006 airfoil section, comparisons with various types of flaps on other airfoil sections, and an analysis of flow and power relationships for blowing systems

Effect of boundary-layer control and inlet lip shape on the performance of a twin-scoop air-induction system at Mach numbers from 0 to 1.9

Effect of camber on the drag of a body of revolution

Evaporation of JP-5 fuel sprays in air streams

Effects of two trailing-edge controls on the aerodynamic characteristics of a rectangular wing and body combination at Mach numbers from 3.00 and 5.05

Lift, drag, and static longitudinal stability characteristics of configurations consisting of three triangular wing panels and a body of equal length at Mach numbers from 3.00 to 6.28

A preliminary investigation of the static stability characteristics of four airplane-like configurations at Mach numbers from 3.00 to 6.28

Exploratory investigation at a Mach number of 5.20 of the longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of flat-bottom bodies

Further investigation of the feasibility of the freeze-casting method for forming full-size infiltrated titanium carbide turbine blades

Fuselage side inlets : a study of some factors affecting their performance and a comparison with nose inlets

Impingement of water droplets on a rectangular half body in a two-dimensional incompressible flow field

Friction studies of graphite and mixtures of graphite with several metallic oxides and salts at temperatures to 1000 F

Heat-transfer measurements on two bodies of revolution at a Mach number of 3.12

Heat-Requirements for Ice Protection of a Cyclically Gas-Heated, 36 Degree Swept Airfoil with Partial-Span Leading-Edge Slat

Heat-capacity measurements of titanium and of a hydride of titanium for temperatures from 4 to 15 K including a detailed description of a special adiabatic specific-heat calorimeter

Use of effective momentum thickness in describing turbine rotor-blade losses

On the permeability of porous materials

Full-scale wind-tunnel tests of the longitudinal stability and control characteristics of the XV-1 convertiplane in the autorotating flight range

Distribution of normal component of induced velocity in lateral plane of a lifting rotor

The effect of conical camber on the static longitudinal, lateral, and directional characteristics of a 45-degree sweptback wing at Mach numbers up to 0.96

Effect of concentration on ignition delays for various fuel-oxygen-nitrogen mixtures at elevated temperatures

Correlation of creep-buckling tests with theory

Drag coefficients for droplets and solid spheres in clouds accelerating in airstreams

Drag at model trim lift of a 1/15-scale Convair B-58 supersonic bomber

The use of perforated inlets for efficient supersonic diffusion

Design and test of mixed-flow impellers 7: experimental results for parabolic-bladed impeller with alternate blades cut back to form splitter vanes

Analytical investigation of factors affecting the performance of single-stage turbines having rotor-tip discharge of cooling air

Analytical investigation of single-stage-turbine efficiency characteristics in terms of work and speed requirements

Aerodynamic control of supersonic inlets for optimum performance

Calculated reactivity of uranyl-fluoride - water criticality experiments

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