Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Some effects of ailerons on the variation of aerodynamic characteristics with sideslip at low speed
Some aspects of supersonic inlet stability
Preliminary flight survey of aerodynamic noise on an airplane wing
Preliminary investigation of self-excited vibrations of single planing surfaces
Stability of supersonic inlets at Mach 1.91 with air injection and suction
Calculations of the flow over an inclined flat plate at free-stream Mach number 1
Effect of inlet-air-flow-distortions on steady-state performance of J65-B-3 turbojet engine
Effect of inlet-duct length in uniform-flow field on turbojet-engine operation
Design of two transpiration-cooled strut-supported turbine rotor blades
An analog study of the relative importance of various factors affecting roll coupling
Jet effects on base and afterbody pressures of a cylindrical afterbody at transonic speeds
Preliminary investigation of short two-dimensional subsonic diffusers
Some effects of bluntness on boundary-layer transition and heat transfer at supersonic speeds
Preliminary report on a study of separated flows in supersonic and subsonic streams
Some effects of small-scale flow disturbance on nozzle-burner flames
Three-dimensional transonic flow theory applied to slender wings and bodies
Analysis of turbomachine viscous losses affected by changes in blade geometry
Analysis of turbojet-engine controls for afterburning starting