Browse TRAIL Inventories

Investigation of transient pool boiling due to sudden large power surge

Investigation of Two-Stage Counterrotating Compressor. 3: Design of Second-Stage Rotor and Preliminary Over-All Performance

Investigation of unsteady flow past four NACA 6-percent-thick airfoil sections

Investigation of local heat-transfer and pressure drag characteristics of a yawed circular cylinder at supersonic speeds

A sonic-flow orifice probe for the in-flight measurements of temperature profiles of a jet engine exhaust with afterburning

Method of calculating core dimensions of crossflow heat exchanger with prescribed gas flows and inlet and exit states

General theory of wave-drag reduction for combinations employing quasi-cylindrical bodies with an application to swept-wing and body combinations

Reduction of wave drag of wing-body combinations at supersonic speeds through body distortions

Experimental investigation of a lightweight rocket chamber

Drag interference between a pointed cylindrical body and triangular wings of various aspect ratios at Mach numbers of 1.50 and 2.02

Regenerative-cooling studies in a 5000-pound-thrust liquid-oxygen - JP-4 rocket engine operated at 6000-pounds-per-square-inch combustion-chamber pressure

Performance of a blunt-lip side inlet with ramp bleed, bypass, and a long constant-area duct ahead of the engine : Mach number 0.66 and 1.5 to 2.1

Performance characteristics of an underslung vertical-wedge inlet with porous suction at Mach numbers of 0.63 and 1.5 to 2.0

Investigation of spoiler-slot-deflector ailerons and other spoiler ailerons on a 45 degree sweptback-wing--fuselage combination at Mach numbers from 0.60 to 1.03

External-stream effects on gross thrust and pumping characteristics of ejectors operating at off-design Mach numbers

Full-scale evaluation of some flameholder design concepts for high-inlet-velocity afterburners

Performance of supersonic ramp-type side inlet with combinations of fuselage and inlet throat boundary-layer removal

The origin and distribution of supersonic interference from measurement of individual forces on several wing-fuselage-store configurations VI : swept-wing heavy-bomber configuration with stores of different sizes and shapes

Oscillating hinge moments and flutter characteristics of a flap-type control surface on a 4-percent-thick unswept wing with low aspect ratio at transonic speeds

An optimum switching criterion for a third-order contactor acceleration control system

Operational characteristics of RA-14 Avon turbojet engine

A summary of NACA research on the strength and creep of aircraft structures at elevated temperatures

Large-scale wind-tunnel tests of an airplane model with a 45 degree sweptback wing of aspect ratio 2.8 with area suction applied to trailing-edge flaps and with several wing leading-edge modifications

Near noise field of a jet-engine exhaust II : cross correlation of sound pressures

Near noise field of a jet-engine exhaust 1: sound pressures

The motions of rolling symmetrical missiles referred to a body-axis system

Comparison of several methods for obtaining the time response of linear systems to either a unit impulse or arbitrary input from frequency-response data

Incomplete time response to a unit impulse and its application to lightly damped linear systems

Method and tables for determining the time response to a unit impulse from frequency-response data and for determining the fourier transform of a function of time

Aerodynamic heating of a wing as determined from a free-flight rocket-model test to Mach number 3.64

Effect of fuels on screaming in 200-pound-thrust liquid-oxygen - fuel rocket engine

Wing loads and load distributions throughout the lift range of the Douglas X-3 research airplane at transonic speeds

Preliminary survey of compressor rotor-blade wakes and other flow phenomena with a hot-wire anemometer

Problems of performance and heating of hypersonic vehicles

Probability and frequency characteristics of some flight buffet loads

Preliminary free-flight study of the drag and stability of a series of short-span missiles at Mach numbers from 0.9 to 1.3

Pressure distribution and aerodynamic loadings for several-flap-type trailing-edge controls on a trapezoidal wing at Mach numbers of 1.61 and 2.01

Presentation on facility problems in high-temperature structures research

Preliminary wind-tunnel tests of triangular and rectangular wings in steady roll at Mach numbers of 1.62 and 1.92

Lateral-Stability Flight Test of a 0.125-Scale Rocket-Propelled Model of the Mcdonnell F-101A Airplane at Mach Numbers from 1.0 to 1.9

Lift and drag of the Bell X-5 research airplane in the 45 degree sweptback configuration at transonic speeds

Longitudinal characteristics of an unswept-wing fighter-type model with external stores at a Mach number of 1.82 and some effects of horizontal-tail and yaw-damper-vane deflection on the sideslip derivatives

Longitudinal and lateral stability characteristics of a low-aspect-ratio unswept-wing airplane model at Mach numbers of 1.82 and 2.01

Longitudinal stability characteristics of the Convair YF-102 airplane determined from flight tests

A low-speed experimental investigation of the effect of a sandpaper type of roughness on boundary-layer transition

Measurements of atmospheric turbulence over a wide range of wavelength for one meteorological condition

Measurements of boundary-layer transition at low speed on two bodies of revolution in a low-turbulence wind tunnel

Measurement of the longitudinal moment of inertia of a flexible airplane

Exploratory investigation of boundary-layer transition on a hollow cylinder at a Mach number of 6.9

Flight investigation of the effectiveness of an automatic aileron trim control device for personal airplanes

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