Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Investigation of transient pool boiling due to sudden large power surge
Investigation of unsteady flow past four NACA 6-percent-thick airfoil sections
Reduction of wave drag of wing-body combinations at supersonic speeds through body distortions
Experimental investigation of a lightweight rocket chamber
Full-scale evaluation of some flameholder design concepts for high-inlet-velocity afterburners
An optimum switching criterion for a third-order contactor acceleration control system
Operational characteristics of RA-14 Avon turbojet engine
A summary of NACA research on the strength and creep of aircraft structures at elevated temperatures
Near noise field of a jet-engine exhaust II : cross correlation of sound pressures
Near noise field of a jet-engine exhaust 1: sound pressures
The motions of rolling symmetrical missiles referred to a body-axis system
Incomplete time response to a unit impulse and its application to lightly damped linear systems
Aerodynamic heating of a wing as determined from a free-flight rocket-model test to Mach number 3.64
Effect of fuels on screaming in 200-pound-thrust liquid-oxygen - fuel rocket engine
Problems of performance and heating of hypersonic vehicles
Probability and frequency characteristics of some flight buffet loads
Presentation on facility problems in high-temperature structures research
Longitudinal stability characteristics of the Convair YF-102 airplane determined from flight tests
Measurement of the longitudinal moment of inertia of a flexible airplane
Exploratory investigation of boundary-layer transition on a hollow cylinder at a Mach number of 6.9