Browse TRAIL Inventories

Theoretical calculation of the power spectra of the rolling and yawing moments on a wing in random turbulence

Theoretical and experimental investigation of the effect of tunnel walls on the forces on an oscillating airfoil in two-dimensional subsonic compressible flow

Theoretical investigation of flutter of two-dimensional flat panels with one surface exposed to supersonic potential flow

Theory of wing-body drag at supersonic speeds

Zero-angle-of-attack performance of two-dimensional inlets near Mach number 3

Theoretical span load distributions and rolling moments for sideslipping wings of arbitrary plan form in incompressible flow

Methods for obtaining desired helicopter stability characteristics and procedures for stability predictions

High-temperature oxidation and ignition of metals

Average properties of compressible laminar boundary layer on flat plate with unsteady flight velocity

A study of the zero-lift drag-rise characteristics of wing-body combinations near the speed of sound

An evaluation of four experimental methods for measuring mean properties of a supersonic turbulent boundary layer

Summary of NACA research on afterburners for turbojet engines

Axially symmetric shapes with minimum wave drag

A wind-tunnel test technique for measuring the dynamic rotary stability derivatives at subsonic and supersonic speeds

Exhaust Nozzles for Supersonic Flight with Turbojet Engines

A special method for finding body distortions that reduce the wave drag of wing and body combinations at supersonic speeds

Lift hysteresis at stall as an unsteady boundary-layer phenomenon

Ditching investigations of dynamic models and effects of design parameters on ditching characteristics

Extrapolation techniques applied to matrix methods in neutron diffusion problems

A theoretical and experimental study of planing surfaces including effects of cross section and plan form

Laminar Flow About a Rotating Body of Revolution in an Axial Airstream

An analysis of the stability and ultimate compressive strength of short sheet-stringer panels with special reference to the influence of the riveted connection between sheet and stringer

An investigation of forward-located fixed spoilers and deflectors as gust alleviators on an unswept-wing model

Force, moment, and pressure-distribution characteristics of rectangular wings at high angles of attack and supersonic speeds

Exploratory investigation of the effectiveness of biplane wings with large-chord double slotted flaps in redirecting a propeller slipstream downward for vertical take-off

Flight determination of the lateral handling qualities of the Bell X-5 research airplane at 58.7 degrees sweepback

Flight measurements of the low-speed characteristics of a 35 degree swept-wing airplane with area suction boundary-layer control on the flaps

Flight-determined transonic lift and drag characteristics of the YF-102 airplane with two wing configurations

Flight tests at supersonic speeds to determine the effect of taper on the zero-lift drag of sweptback low-aspect-ratio wings

Flight measurements of the vibrations encountered by a tandem helicopter and a method for measuring the coupled response in flight

Flight measurements of the low-speed characteristics of a 35 degree swept-wing airplane with blowing-type boundary-layer control in the trailing-edge flaps

The flow past an unswept-and a swept-wing-body combination and their equivalent bodies of revolution at Mach numbers near 1.0

Full-scale wind-tunnel tests of a 35 degree sweptback-wing airplane with high-velocity blowing over the trailing-edge flaps: longitudinal and lateral stability and control

Fundamental flame velocity, heat of combustion, and spontaneous ignition temperature of dimethylaminodiborane

Investigation of lateral control near the stall flight tests with high-wing and low-wing monoplanes of various configurations

Interference effects at Mach 1.9 on a horizontal tail due to trailing shock waves from an axisymmetric body with an exiting jet

Interaction of an exhaust jet and elementary contoured surfaces located in a supersonic air stream

Investigation of aerodynamic characteristics in pitch and sideslip of a 45 degree sweptback-wing airplane model with various vertical locations of wing and horizontal tail : static longitudinal stability and control, M = 2.01

Investigation of a continuous normal-shock positioning control on the bypass of a supersonic inlet in combination with the J34 turbojet engine

Initial inclination of the mixing boundary separating an exhausting supersonic jet from a supersonic ambient stream

Initial results of a flight investigation of the wing and tail loads on an airplane equipped with a vane-controlled gust-alleviation system

Injection principles for liquid oxygen and heptane using two-element injectors

Investigation of turbines suitable for use in a turbojet engine with high compressor pressure ratio and low compressor-tip speed VI: experimental performance of two-stage turbine

An investigation of the aerodynamic characteristics at transonic Mach numbers of a swept-wing supersonic bomber configuration

A flight evaluation of a wing-shroud-blowing boundary-layer control system applied to the flaps of an F9F-4 airplane

Investigation of two-stage counterrotating compressor 2: first-rotor blade-element performance

An investigation of vertical-wind-shear intensities from balloon soundings for application to airplane- and missile-response problems

Investigation of two-stage counterrotating compressor I : design and over-all performance of transonic first compressor stage

Investigation of vertical drag and periodic airloads acting on flat panels in a rotor slipstream

Investigation of turbines suitable for use in a turbojet engine with high compressor pressure ratio and low compressor-tip speed VII : experimental performance of modified two-stage turbine

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