Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Theory of wing-body drag at supersonic speeds
Zero-angle-of-attack performance of two-dimensional inlets near Mach number 3
High-temperature oxidation and ignition of metals
A study of the zero-lift drag-rise characteristics of wing-body combinations near the speed of sound
Summary of NACA research on afterburners for turbojet engines
Axially symmetric shapes with minimum wave drag
Exhaust Nozzles for Supersonic Flight with Turbojet Engines
Lift hysteresis at stall as an unsteady boundary-layer phenomenon
Extrapolation techniques applied to matrix methods in neutron diffusion problems
Laminar Flow About a Rotating Body of Revolution in an Axial Airstream
Interaction of an exhaust jet and elementary contoured surfaces located in a supersonic air stream
Injection principles for liquid oxygen and heptane using two-element injectors
Investigation of two-stage counterrotating compressor 2: first-rotor blade-element performance
Investigation of vertical drag and periodic airloads acting on flat panels in a rotor slipstream