Browse TRAIL Inventories

Turbojet combustor performance with injection of hydrogen peroxide for thrust augmentation

Internal performance characteristics of short convergent-divergent exhaust nozzles designed by the method of characteristics

An analog study of a shock-position diffuser control on a supersonic turbojet engine

Some recent research on the handling qualities of airplanes

Dynamics of a supersonic inlet with adjustable bypass in combination with a J34 turbojet engine

Theoretical prediction of the side force on stores attached to configurations traveling at supersonic speeds

Wind-tunnel investigation of the static longitudinal and lateral stability of a 1/62-scale model of the X-1E at supersonic speeds

Transonic investigation at lifting conditions of streamline contouring in the sweptback-wing-fuselage juncture in combination with the transonic area rule

A flight and analytical study of methods for reducing automatic-interceptor tracking errors caused by target maneuvers

Flight and analytical study of roll requirements of a fighter airplane

Effects of two leading-edge modifications on the aerodynamic characteristics of a thin low-aspect-ratio delta wing at transonic speeds

Flight determination of drag and pressure recovery of two scoop inlets located at maximum-body-diameter station at Mach numbers from 0.8 to 1.8

The use of the horizontal tail for roll control

Factors affecting the maximum lift-drag ratio at high supersonic speeds

Spinning and related problems at high angles of attack for high-speed airplanes

Effects of wing-body geometry on the lateral-flow angularities at subsonic speeds

A simplified method for approximating the transient motion in angles of attack and sideslip during a constant rolling maneuver

Flutter investigation at low speed of a 40 degree sweptback wing with pylon-mounted stores, tested as a semispan-cantilever wing and as a full-span wing on a towed airplane model

A wind-tunnel investigation of the development of lift on wings in accelerated longitudinal motion

Wind-tunnel investigation of damping in roll at supersonic speeds of triangular wings at angles of attack

A variable-geometry annular cascade-type inlet at Mach numbers of 1.9 and 3.05

Longitudinal and Lateral Stability, Control Characteristics, and Vertical-Tail-Load Measurements for 0.03-Scale Model of the Avro CF-105 Airplane at Mach Number 1.41

Concluding Report on Free-Spinning and Recovery Characteristics of a 1/24-Scale Model of the Grumman F11F-1 Airplane, TED No. NACA AD 395

Ditching Investigation of a 1/12-Scale Model of the Douglas F4D-1 Airplane, TED No. NACA DE 384

An Experimental Investigation of Sting-Support Effects on Drag and a Comparison with Jet Effects at Transonic Speeds

Lift, Drag, Static Stability, and Buffet Boundaries of a Model of the McDonnell F3H-1N Airplane at Mach Numbers from 0.40 to 1.27, TED No. NACA DE 351

Transonic investigation of aerodynamic characteristics of a swept-wing fighter-airplane model with leading-edge droop in combination with outboard chord-extensions and notches

An investigation of the hydrodynamic characteristics of a dynamic model of a transonic seaplane design having a planing-tail hull

Low-speed static stability characteristics of a cambered-delta-wing model

Lift-curve slopes determined in flight on a flexible swept-wing jet bomber

Investigation at transonic speeds of the loading over a 45 degree sweptback wing having an aspect ratio of 3, a taper ratio of 0.2, and NACA 65A004 airfoil sections

Free-flight investigation at transonic speeds of the stability characteristics of a tailless missile configuration having a 45 degree sweptback wing of aspect ratio 4

Free-flight investigation over a Mach number range from 0.74 to 1.43 at lift coefficients from minus 0.15 to 0.75 of an airplane-configuration model having a 52.5 degree delta wing and a low swept horizontal tail

Free-flight investigation at transonic speeds of drag coefficients of a boattail body of revolution with a simulated turbojet exhaust issuing at the base from conical short-length ejectors

A free-flight investigation of the effects of a sonic jet on the total-drag and base-pressure coefficients of a boattail body of revolution from Mach number 0.83 to 1.70

Tensile properties of AZ31A-0 magnesium-alloy sheet under rapid-heating and constant-temperature conditions

Tensile properties of Inconel and RS-120 titanium-alloy sheet under rapid-heating and constant-temperature conditions

Cloud-droplet ingestion in engine inlets with inlet velocity ratios of 1.0 and 0.7

Comparison of theoretical stresses and deflections of multicell wings with experimental results obtained from plastic models

Effects of Reynolds number and leading-edge shape on the low-speed longitudinal stability of a 6-percent-thick 45 degree sweptback wing

Charts adapted from Van Driest's turbulent flat-plate theory for determining values of turbulent aerodynamic friction and heat-transfer coefficients

Effects of leading-edge radius on the longitudinal stability characteristics of two 60 degree sweptback wings at high Reynolds numbers

On possible similarity solutions for three-dimensional incompressible laminar boundary layers 2: similarity with respect to stationary polar coordinates

Wind-tunnel investigation of the damping in roll of the Bell X-1E research airplane and its components at supersonic speeds

Wind-tunnel investigation of the damping in roll of the Bell X-1A research airplane and its components at supersonic speeds

Wind-tunnel investigation of the damping in roll of the Douglas D-558-II research airplane and its components at supersonic speeds

On possible similarity solutions for three-dimensional incompressible laminar boundary layers 1: similarity with respect to stationary rectangular coordinates

Analysis of particle motions for a class of three-dimensional incompressible laminar boundary layers

Cross flows in laminar incompressible boundary layers

Comparison of flight and wind-tunnel measurements of high-speed-airplane stability and control characteristics

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