Browse TRAIL Inventories

Experimental Static Aerodynamic Forces and Moments at Low Speed on a Missile Model During Simulated Launching From the 25-Percent-Semispan and Wing-Tip Location of a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing-Fuselage Combination

An Experimental Investigation of the Flow Phenomena Over Bodies at High Angles of Attack at a Mach Number of 2.01

Exploratory Investigation at Mach Number 4.06 of an Airplane Configuration Having a Wing of Trapezoidal Plan Form: Longitudinal and Lateral Control Characteristics

Flight and Preflight Tests of a Ram Jet Burning Magnesium Slurry Fuel and Utilizing a Solid-Propellant Gas Generator for Fuel Expulsion

Exploratory Tests of Transpiration Cooling on a Porous 8 Degree Cone at M = 2.05 Using Nitrogen Gas, Helium Gas, and Water as the Coolants

Experimental Investigation of the Zero-Lift Wave Drag of Seven Pairs of Delta Wings With Constant and Varying Thickness Ratios at Mach Numbers of 1.62, 1.93, and 2.41

Temperature Recovery Factors on a Slender 12 Degree Cone-Cylinder at Mach Numbers From 3.0 to 6.3 and Angles of Attack Up to 45 Degrees

Some Effects of Configuration Variables on Store Loads at Supersonic Speeds

Some Effects of Fluid in Pylon-Mounted Tanks on Flutter

Some Measurements of Boiling Burn-Out

Stabilization Techniques for Ramp-Type Side Inlets at Supersonic Speeds

Preliminary Results From Flight Measurements in Gradual-Turn Maneuvers of the Wing Loads and the Distribution of Load Among the Components of a Boeing B-47A Airplane

Preliminary Results of an Investigation at Transonic Speeds to Determine the Effects of a Heated Propulsive Jet on the Drag Characteristics of a Related Series of Afterbodies

Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Yaw on Heat Transfer to Circular Cylinders in Hypersonic Flow

Transport of Radioactivity by Liquid Sodium in a Stainless Steel Circulation System

Transonic Flutter Investigation of a Fighter-Airplane Wing Model and Comparison With a Systematic Plan-Form Series

The Unsteady Normal-Force Characteristics of Selected NACA Profiles at High Subsonic Mach Numbers

Turbulent Convective Heat-Transfer Coefficients Measured From Flight Tests of Four Research Models (NACA RM-10) at Mach Numbers From 1.0 to 3.6

Rotating-Stall and Rotor-Blade-Vibration Survey of a 13-Stage Axial-Flow Compressor in a Turbojet Engine

Some Recent Experimental Data on Three-Dimensional Oscillating Air Forces

Theoretical Investigation of Laminar Heat Transfer on Yawed Infinite Cylinders in Supersonic Flow and a Comparison With Experimental Data

The Wave Drag of Arbitrary Configurations in Linearized Flow as Determined by Areas and Forces in Oblique Planes

Vibratory-Stress Investigation of Six- and Eight-Blade-Dual-Rotating Propellers Operating at Zero Advance

Velocity Distributions Measured in the Slipstream of Eight-Blade and Six-Blade Dual-Rotating Propellers at Zero Advance

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at Low Speed of Sideslipping, Rolling, Yawing, and Pitching Characteristics for a Model of a 45 Degree Swept-Wing Fighter-Type Airplane

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at Transonic Speeds of a Jet Control on an 80 Degree Delta-Wing Missile

Transonic Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Aerodynamic Loading Characteristics of a 60 Degree Delta Wing in the Presence of a Body With and Without Indentation

Transonic Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Effects of Windshield Shape and Canopy Location on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Canopy-Body Combinations

Transonic Longitudinal Aerodynamic Effects of Sweeping Up the Rear of the Fuselage of a Rocket-Propelled Airplane Model Having No Horizontal Tail

An Analysis of the Transonic and Supersonic Performance of Several Fixed-Geometry Air Inlets

Wing Pressure Distributions Over the Lift Range of the Convair XF92A Delta-Wing Airplane at Subsonic and Transonic Speeds

Preliminary Flight-Determined Pressure Distributions Over the Wing of the Douglas X-3 Research Airplane at Subsonic and Transonic Mach Numbers

Calculated Heats of Formation and Combustion of Boron Compounds (Boron, Hydrogen, Carbon, Silicon)

The Effect of Wing Fences on the Longitudinal Characteristics at High Subsonic Speeds of a Wing-Fuselage-Tail Combination Having a Wing With 40 Degrees of Sweepback and NACA Four-Digit Thickness Distribution

Investigation of Interference Lift, Drag, and Pitching Moment of a Series of Triangular Wing and Body Combinations at a Mach Number of 1.62

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Static Longitudinal and Lateral Stability of the Bell X-1A at Supersonic Speeds

Wind-Tunnel Measurements of the Dynamic Cross Derivative (Rolling Moment Due to Yawing Velocity and to Acceleration in Sideslip) of the Douglas D-558-II Airplane and Its Components at Supersonic Speeds Including Description of the Technique

Tests of Aerodynamically Heated Multiweb Wing Structures in a Free Jet at Mach Number 2: Two Aluminum-Alloy Models of 20-Inch Chord With 0.064- and 0.081-Inch-Thick Skin

The Effect of Base Bleed on the Base Pressure, Lift, Drag, and Pitching Moment of a 10-Percent-Thick Blunt-Base Airfoil at a Mach Number of 2.72

Effects of Some Leading-Edge Modifications, Section and Plan-Form Variations, and Vertical Position on Low-Lift Wing Drag at Transonic and Supersonic Speeds

Effects of Taper Ratio on the Longitudinal Characteristics at Mach Numbers From 0.6 to 1.4 of a Wing-Body-Tail Combination Having an Unswept Wing of Aspect Ratio 3

Effects of a Detached Tab on the Hinge-Moment and Effectiveness Characteristics of an Unswept Trailing-Edge Control on a 60 Degree Delta Wing at Mach Numbers From 0.75 to 1.96

Effect of Inlet Temperature on Rotating Stall and Blade Vibrations in a Multistage Axial-Flow Compressor

Effect of Reduced Stator-Blade Trailing-Edge Thickness on Over-All Performance of a Transonic Turbine

Effect of Several Modifications to Center Body and Cowling on Supercritical Performance of a Supersonic Inlet at Mach Number of 2.02

Effects of Boundary-Layer Separation on Normal Force and Center of Pressure of a Cone-Cylinder Model With a Large Base Flare at Mach Numbers From 3.00 to 6.28

Effects of Combining Auxiliary Bleed With Ejector Pumping on the Power Requirements and Test-Section Flow of an 8-Inch by 8-Inch Slotted Tunnel

Experimental Flutter Results for Cantilever-Wing Models at Mach Numbers Up to 3.0

Drag Investigation of a Swept-Wing Fighter-Airplane Model Incorporating Two Drag-Rise-Reducing Fuselage Revisions

A Drop Test for the Evaluation of the Impact Strength of Cermets

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