Browse TRAIL Inventories

Optimum Flight Paths of Turbojet Aircraft

Analysis of behavior of simply supported flat plates compressed beyond the buckling load into the plastic range

Analysis of accelerations, gust velocities, and airspeeds from operations of a twin-engine transport airplane on a transcontinental route from 1950 to 1952

An analysis of accelerations, airspeeds, and gust velocities from three commercial operations of one type of medium-altitude transport airplane

A Flight Investigation at Transonic Speeds of a Model Having a Triangular Wing of Aspect Ratio 4

Flight Measurements at Transonic Speeds of the Buffeting Characteristics of the XF-92A Delta-Wing Research Airplane

Flight Investigation of the Supersonic Area Rule for a Straight Wing-Body Configuration at Mach Numbers Between 0.8 and 1.5

Flight Investigation of the Effect of Underwing Propulsive Jets on the Lift, Drag, and Longitudinal Stability of a Delta-Wing Configuration at Mach Numbers From 1.23 to 1.62

Flight Investigation of a Roll-Stabilized Ram-Jet Test Vehicle Over a Mach Number Range of 2.3 to 2.7

Flight Investigation at Supersonic Mach Numbers of an Automatic Acceleration Control Missile in Which Rate Damping Is Obtained From a Linear Accelerometer Placed Ahead of the Missile Center of Gravity

High-Speed Cascade Tests of a Blade Section Designed for Typical Hub Conditions of High-Flow Transonic Rotors

The Hydrodynamic Force Characteristics of Streamline Bodies of Revolution Having Fineness Ratios of 6, 9, and 12 With and Without Chine Strips

Low-Speed Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Triangular Sweptback Air Inlet in the Root of a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing

An Investigation of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Thin Delta Wings With a Symmetrical Double-Wedge Section at a Mach Number of 6.9

Investigation of Equilibrium Temperatures and Average Laminar Heat-Transfer Coefficients for the Front Half of Swept Circular Cylinders at a Mach Number of 6.9

Investigation of the Lateral Stability Characteristics of the Douglas X-3 Configuration at Mach Numbers From 0.6 to 1.1 by Means of a Rocket-Propelled Model

Lateral Stability Characteristics at Low Lift Between Mach Numbers of 0.85 and 1.15 of a Rocket-Propelled Model of a Supersonic Airplane Configuration Having a Tapered Wing With Circular-Arc Sections and 40 Degrees Sweepback

Experimental Evaluation of Boron-Hydrocarbon Slurry in a 16-Inch Ram-Jet Combustor

Flow and Force Characteristics of 2-Percent-Thick Airfoils at Transonic Speeds

Initial Experiments on the Aerodynamic Cooling Associated With Large-Scale Vortical Motions in Supersonic Flow

Flight Measurements of the Transonic Drag of Models of Several Isolated External Stores and Nacelles

Flight Tests of a Delta-Wing Vertically Rising Airplane Model Powered by a Ducted Fan

Force and Pressure Measurements on Several Canopy-Fuselage Configurations at Transonic Mach Numbers 1.41 and 2.01

Flutter Experiences With Thin Pointed-Tip Wings During Flight Tests of Rocket-Propelled Models at Mach Numbers From 0.8 to 1.95

Investigation at Transonic Speeds of Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Semicircular Air Inlet in the Root of a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing

An Investigation at Supersonic Speeds of the Effect of Varying the Maximum-Thickness Position Upon the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Series of 3 1/2-Percent-Thick Delta Wings

Investigation of a Three-Stage Transonic Research Axial-Flow Compressor: Aerodynamic Design and Overall Performance

Investigation of a Ramp-Type Inlet Designed for Improved Angle-of-Attack Performance at Mach Number 2.0

Investigation of a High-Performance Axial-Flow Compressor Transonic Inlet Rotor Designed for 37.5 Pounds Per Second Per Square Foot of Frontal Area: Aerodynamic Design and Overall Performance

Standard Atmosphere - Tables and Data for Altitudes to 65,800 Feet

Ditching investigation of a 1/25-scale model of a 255,000-pound transport airplane

Wind-tunnel investigation at low speed of the aerodynamic characteristics of the Army Chemical Corps model E112 bomblets

Failure of Materials Under Combined Repeated Stresses With Superimposed Static Stresses

Preliminary Free-Jet Performance of XRJ43-MA-3 Flight-Weight Ram-Jet Engine at Mach Numbers of 2.35, 2.50, and 2.70

Metal-Bonding Adhesives for High-Temperature Service

An accurate and rapid method for the design of supersonic nozzles

Acoustic radiation from two-dimensional rectangular cutouts in aerodynamic surfaces

Acoustic analysis of ram-jet buzz

Aerodynamic characteristics of several 6-percent-thick airfoils at angles of attack from 0 degrees to 20 degrees at high subsonic speeds

Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Small-Scale Shrouded Propeller at Angles of Attack From 0 to 90 Degrees

Aerodynamics of a rectangular wing of infinite aspect ratio at high angles of attack and supersonic speeds

Amplitude of Supersonic Diffuser Flow Pulsations

An analysis of acceleration, airspeed, and gust-velocity data from a four-engine transport airplane in operations on an eastern United States route

An analysis of acceleration, airspeed, and gust-velocity data from one type of four-engine transport airplane operated over two domestic routes

Acoustical Treatment for the NACA 8- by 6-Foot Supersonic Propulsion Wind Tunnel

Aerodynamic characteristics of NACA 0012 airfoil section at angles of attack from 0 degrees to 180 degrees

Experimental investigation of a body flare for obtaining pitch stability and a body flap for obtaining pitch control in hypersonic flight

Performance of Inconel 550 Turbine Blades in a Turbojet Engine and Effects of Different Forging Temperatures and Heat Treatments

Preliminary Investigation of a Technique of Producing a Heated Core in a Supersonic Wind-Tunnel Stream

Experimental Static Aerodynamic Forces and Moments at Low Speed on a Canard Missle During Simulated Launching From the Midsemispan and Wing-Tip Locations of a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing-Fuselage Combination

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