Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Optimum Flight Paths of Turbojet Aircraft
A Flight Investigation at Transonic Speeds of a Model Having a Triangular Wing of Aspect Ratio 4
Experimental Evaluation of Boron-Hydrocarbon Slurry in a 16-Inch Ram-Jet Combustor
Flow and Force Characteristics of 2-Percent-Thick Airfoils at Transonic Speeds
Flight Measurements of the Transonic Drag of Models of Several Isolated External Stores and Nacelles
Flight Tests of a Delta-Wing Vertically Rising Airplane Model Powered by a Ducted Fan
Standard Atmosphere - Tables and Data for Altitudes to 65,800 Feet
Ditching investigation of a 1/25-scale model of a 255,000-pound transport airplane
Failure of Materials Under Combined Repeated Stresses With Superimposed Static Stresses
Metal-Bonding Adhesives for High-Temperature Service
An accurate and rapid method for the design of supersonic nozzles
Acoustic radiation from two-dimensional rectangular cutouts in aerodynamic surfaces
Acoustic analysis of ram-jet buzz
Amplitude of Supersonic Diffuser Flow Pulsations
Acoustical Treatment for the NACA 8- by 6-Foot Supersonic Propulsion Wind Tunnel