Browse TRAIL Inventories

An Investigation of the Longitudinal Stability Characteristics of Three Specialized Store Configurations at Transonic Speeds

Investigation of Porous Gas-Heated Leading-Edge Section for Icing Protection of a Delta Wing

NACA Conference on Aerodynamics of High Speed Aircraft

Transonic Free-Flight Investigation of the Longitudinal Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 1/10-Scale Steel-Wing Model of the Northrop MX-775A Missile with Leading-Edge Extensions, Inboard Trailing-Edge Flaps, and a Speed Brake on the Vertical Tail

Effects of Wing-Fuselage Flow Fields on Missile Loads at Subsonic Speeds

Experimental Investigation of a Body Flare for Obtaining Pitch Stability and a Body Flap for Obtaining Pitch Control in Hypersonic Flight

Investigation of a 1/4-Scale Model of the Republic F-105 Airplane in the Langley 19-Foot Pressure Tunnel: Lateral Control and Directional Stability and Control Characteristics of Model Equipped With Drooped, Supersonic-Type, Elliptical Wing-Root Inlet

Investigation of a 1/4 Scale Model of the Republic F-105 Airplane in the Langley 19-Foot Pressure Tunnel: Longitudinal Stability and Control and Horizontal-Tail Hinge-Moment and Normal-Force Characteristics of the Model Equipped With a Drooped Supersonic-Type Elliptical Wing-Root Inlet

A Comparison of the Maneuvering Performance of a Monowing Versus a Cruciform Missile

Aerodynamic Characteristics of Two Rectangular-plan-form, Allmovable Controls in Combination With a Slender Body of Revolution at Mach Numbers From 3.00 to 6.25

Analysis of Low-Temperature Nuclear-Powered Ramjet Missile for High Altitudes

Chemical and Physical Properties of Modified Hi-Cal-2

Analysis of stresses in the plastic range around a circular hole in a plate subjected to uniaxial tension

Preliminary Investigation of a Submerged Air Scoop Utilizing Boundary-Layer Suction to Obtain Increased Pressure Recovery

A Preliminary Investigation of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Small Inclined Air Outlets at Transonic Mach Numbers

Preliminary Investigation of Properties of High-Temperature Brazed Joints Processed in Vacuum or in Molten Salt

An Experimental Investigation of the Base Pressure Characteristics of Nonlifting Bodies of Revolution at Mach Numbers From 2.73 to 4.98

Two Miniature Temperature Recorders for Flight Use

Study of Screeching Combustion in a 6-Inch Simulated Afterburner

The Zero-Lift Wave Drag of a Particular Family of Unswept, Tapered Wings With Linearly Varying Thickness Ratio

Analysis of the Horizontal-Tail Loads Measured in Flight on a Multiengine Jet Bomber

Prediction of Downwash Behind Swept-Wing Airplanes at Subsonic Speed

Effective Moment of Inertia of Fluid in Offset, Inclined, and Swept-Wing Tanks Undergoing Pitching Oscillations

Effect of Ammonia Addition on Limits of Flame Propagation for Isooctane-Air Mixtures at Reduced Pressures and Elevated Temperatures

Analysis of Laminar Forced-Convection Heat Transfer in Entrance Region of Flat Rectangular Ducts

Description and Analysis of a Rocket-Vehicle Experiment on Flutter Involving Wing Deformation and Body Motions

Design and Performance of Throttle-Type Fuel Controls for Engine Dynamic Studies

Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics as Determined by the Rocket-Model Technique for an Inline, Cruciform, Canard Missile Configuration With a Low-Aspect-Ratio Wing Having Trailing-Edge Flap Controls for a Mach Number Range of 0.7 to 1.

An Investigation of the Discharge and Drag Characteristics of Auxiliary-Air Outlets Discharging Into a Transonic Stream

Experimental Investigation of Eccentricity Ratio, Friction, and Oil Flow of Long and Short Journal Bearings With Load-Number Charts

Analysis of Fully Developed Turbulent Heat Transfer and Flow in an Annulus With Various Eccentricities

Icing Limit and Wet-Surface Temperature Variation for Two Airfoil Shapes Under Simulated High-Speed Flight Conditions

Friction Study of Aircraft Tire Material on Concrete

Over-All Performance of J65-B3 Turbojet Engine for Reynolds Number Indices from 0.8 to 0.2

Reduction of the Shimmy Tendency of Tail and Nose-Wheel Landing Gears by Installation of Specially Designed Tires

Spatial Burnout in Water Reactors with Nonuniform Startup Distributions of Uranium and Boron

A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Lift and Drag Characteristics of Hydrofoils at Subcritical and Supercritical Speeds

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at Low Speed of the Yawing, Pitching, and Static Stability Characteristics of a 1/10-Scale Model of the Grumman F9F-9 Airplane, TED No. NACA AD 3109

Lift on a Bent, Flat Plate

Full-Scale-Wind-Tunnel Tests of a 35 Degree Sweptback Wing Airplane With High-Velocity Blowing Over the Training-Edge Flaps

From Linear Mechanics to Nonlinear Mechanics

Thirty-Ninth Annual Report of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics: Administrative Report Including Technical Reports Nos. 1111 to 1157

Theoretical Calculations of the Pressures, Forces, and Moments Due to Various Lateral Motions Acting on Thin Isolated Vertical Tails With Supersonic Leading and Trailing Edges

Investigation of the Effects of an Airfoil Section Modification on the Aerodynamic Characteristics at Subsonic and Supersonic Speeds of a Thin Swept Wing of Aspect Ratio 3 in Combination With a Body

Thermal Analysis of Sodium Hydroxide Containing the Reaction Products of Sodium Hydroxide and Chromium Metal

Preliminary Investigation of Several Root Designs for Cermet Turbine Blades in Turbojet Engine 3: Curved-Root Design

Meteorological Problems Associated With Commercial Turbojet-Aircraft Operation

A Method for Determining the Composition of Methanol-Trimethyl Borate Mixtures

Summary of the Flight Conditions and Maneuvers in Which Maximum Wing and Tail Loads Were Experienced on a Swept-Wing Fighter Airplane

A Theoretical Analysis of a Simple Aerodynamic Device to Improve the Longitudinal Damping of a Cruciform Missile Configuration at Supersonic Speeds

Published Year



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