Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Experiments with a rotating-cylinder viscometer at high shear rates
An evaluation of non-Newtonian flow in pipe lines
Estimation of inlet lip forces at subsonic and supersonic speeds
Experimental investigation of blade flutter in an annular cascade
The problem of reducing the speed of a jet transport in flight
Sound propagation into the shadow zone in a temperature-stratified atmosphere above a plane boundary
A statistical study of wing lift at ground contact for four transport airplanes
Static stability of fuselages having a relatively flat cross section
Propagation of a free flame in a turbulent gas stream
Summary of results of a wind-tunnel investigation of nine related horizontal tails
A self-excited, alternating-current, constant-temperature hot-wire anemometer
Effects of sweep and angle of attack on boundary-layer transition on wings at Mach number 4.04
Preliminary Evaluation of Flight-Weight XRJ47-W-5 Ram-Jet Engine at a Mach Number of 2.75
Performance of a Single Fuel-Vaporizing Combustor With Six Injectors Adapted for Gaseous Hydrogen
Preliminary Free-Jet Performance of XRJ43-MA-3 Ram-Jet Engine at a Mach Number of 2.70
Low-Pressure Performance of a Tubular Combustor With Gaseous Hydrogen
Liquid Hydrogen as a Jet Fuel for High-Altitude Aircraft
A Low-Pressure-Loss Short Afterburner for Sea-Level Thrust Augmentation
An Investigation of Jet Effects on Adjacent Surfaces
Flight Investigation of a Roll-Stabilized Ramjet Test Vehicle Over a Mach Number Range of 2.3 to 2.7