Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Minimum-drag bodies of revolution in a nonuniform supersonic flow field
Model ditching investigation of the Boeing 707 jet transport
Modified tubular combustor as high-temperature gas generators
Flight testing by radio remote control-flight evaluation of a beep-control system
Chain breaking and branching in the active-particle diffusion concept of quenching
Chemical Action of Halogenated Agents in Fire Extinguishing
Interaction of a free flame front with a turbulence field
Ingestion of foreign objects into turbine engines by vortices
Investigation of the vibrations of a hollow thin-walled rectangular beam
Noise survey of a 10-foot four-blade turbine-driven propeller under static conditions
NACA model investigations of seaplanes in waves
An NACA vane-type angle-of-attack indicator for use at subsonic and supersonic speeds
Preliminary investigation of a stick shaker as a lift-margin indicator
Laminar separation over a transpiration-cooled surface in compressible flow
Longitudinal turbulent spectrum survey of boundary layers in adverse pressure gradients
A low-density wind-tunnel study of shock-wave structure and relaxation phenomena in gases
Measurements of free-space oscillating pressures near a propeller at flight Mach numbers to 0.72
Heat transfer at the forward stagnation point of blunt bodies
Heat loss from yawed hot wires at subsonic Mach numbers
A note on the drag due to lift of rectangular wings of low aspect ratio
Criterions for prediction and control of ram-jet flow pulsations
Burning velocities of various premixed turbulent propane flames on open burners
Analytical determination of effect of water injection on power output of turbine-propeller engine
Compressible laminar boundary layer and heat transfer for unsteady motions of a flat plate
The compressible laminar boundary layer with heat transfer and arbitrary pressure gradient
Analysis of errors introduced by several methods of weighting nonuniform duct flows
Effect of trailing-edge thickness on lift at supersonic velocities